True or False? All stress is bad?
What is the most common mental illness?
Is anxiety a mental illness or mental health?
Mental health.
What are foods essentially made up of sugars which are used to fuel the body?
What is the number one way to improve mental health>
Connecting with other people!
Can people have poor mental health and not have mental illness?
How can you tell if someone is mentally ill?
There are many symptoms that differ between each person. Always take into consideration ones mental health without judgment or assumption.
Is bipolar disorder considered mental illness or mental health?
Mental illness
Bread ,rice, pasta, beans and potatoes are considered?
Complex carbohydrates
Exercise is good for your body and...
What disease do 1 in 11 children ages 3-17 suffer from?
ADHD and anxiety
True or False?
Anxiety is the most commonly diagnosed mental health problem for children and teens.
Is schizophrenia a mental illness or mental health ?
Mental illness.
_____ is needed to make use of vitamins such as vitamin A,D,E and K.
True or false? Taking time for yourself each day is essential to dealing with life's pressures ?
True or False ? Some people can seem upbeat or cheerful inside, while they're struggling with depression?
Is having a mental illness bad?
If untreated, yes. Mental illness can cause severe emotional,behavioral and physical health problems.
Is an eating disorder mental illness or mental health?
Mental illness
A unit of measurement used to express the nutritional value of foods.
What are calories ?
List three coping skills
Writing, listening to music, talking with someone, take a walk, read, mindfullness...
What classifies as mental health?
Emotional, mental, behavorial and social wellbeing
What is mental illness?
A diagnosed condition affecting thoughts or behaviors.
Is OCD a mental illness or mental health?
Mental Health
At the end of yesterday's class, which protein did say I would make for dinner?
Whats something you can do today that would be good for you ?
Eat healthy, talk with peers, get enough sleep, spend time with family or friends, journal, take a walk...