Desire vs. Healthy Fulfillment
Despair/ Surrender
Addictive Thinking
Distress Tolerance/ Acceptance Skills
Self Care

 Instant Gratification is............. (define)

The desire to fulfill a need or desire immediately, without delay. It's the tendency to choose a less rewarding but more immediate benefit over a future benefit.


Despair is.......(define)

The complete loss or absence of hope.


When someone refuses to acknowledge the reality of their addiction or the negative consequences it is called......



All the way, complete, and total.

In your mind, heart, and your body.

You stop fighting reality, stop throwing tantrums, because reality is not the way you want it, and let go of bitterness. 

When you align and identify with all of the above statements you are practicing __________ ___________. 

Radical Acceptance


Self care is........?

The proactive steps we take to maintain and improve our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It encompasses a wide range of activities that nourish and support our overall health.


What creative exercise can you participate in as a representation of future desires to maintain focus and motivation and identify healthy vs unhealthy desire fulfillment? 

Vision Board

Written list of goals

Needs vs Wants


Integrity is.....(define)

The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change


Allowing feelings to dictate perceptions of reality, such as believing that feeling anxious means a situation is genuinely threatening is called......

Emotional Reasoning


Willfulness  OR Willingness ??

Refusing to tolerate the moment

Opposite of "Doing What Works"

Trying to FIX every situation



If you are building new self care habits by pairing them with existing routines you are practicing a strategy called,  ___________  ___________

Habit Stacking


Addiction is based on instant gratification, the process of addiction that promotes the idea of feeling good now and dealing with the consequences later, whereas recovery is based on _________   ___________. 

Delayed Gratification


According to Erikson, _____________ refers to looking back on your life with feelings of regret, shame, or disappointment and include the characteristics of Bitterness, Ruminating over mistakes, Feeling like life was wasted, feeling unproductive, Depression, and Hopelessness.



Define Learned Helplessness

Developing a belief that one has no control over circumstances, often leading to inaction or resignation in the face of addiction.


Relaxing your face from the top of your head down to the chin and jaw. Letting both corners of your lips go slightly up, just so you can feel them, and adopting a serene facial expression are the directions to what acceptance skill?

Half-Smiling and Willing hands


What general areas are considered categories for a personalized self care plan? 






Delayed gratification is related to the ______________, the part of the brain that connects emotion with information and creates new memories. 



Refers to a persons ability to look back on their life with a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment and include characteristics of :

Acceptance, A sense of wholeness, Lack of regret, Feeling at peace, A sense of success, Feelings of wisdom and acceptance



Attributing one's problems or shortcomings to external factors or other people rather than taking responsibility for one's own behavior. 

Blaming Others


Name 3 of the 5 Reality Acceptance Skills

Radical Acceptance, Turning the Mind, Willingness, Half-Smiling and Willing Hands, Allowing the Mind: Mindfulness of current Thoughts. 


What can you develop to assess all the areas you could consider self care for: 

Personalized Self Care Plan


Instant gratification is related to the nucleus accumbens, a part of the brain which is central to the reward circuit. Its operation depends mostly on __________  and   __________.

Dopamine and Serotonin


Name 3 of the 5 steps you can take to address Despair in your lives: 

Reach out to others

Focus on the positive

Explore new experiences

Engage in spiritual practice

Get help


Name at least 5 of the Addictive thinking Patterns/Errors covered this week.....

Denial, Rationalization, Minimization, All-or-Nothing/Black and White Thinking, Immediate Gratification, Emotional Reasoning, Catastrophizing, Social Proof, Blaming Others, Paranoia, Learned Helplessness, Entitlement


This is the base foundation and most important aspect of all DBT distress Tolerance skills 



Properly identify each statement as FACT  or  MYTH :

_____Self-care is only for people with poor mental health.

_____ Sometimes self-care is doing things that feel awful in the moment but are good for you in the long run. 

_____If you practice self-care regularly, you will always have good mental health 

_____You need to care for yourself to be able to care for others. 

_MYTH: Self-care is for everyone. In fact, you’re already doing it. Even the most basic functions of life count as self-care.

_FACT: Like cleaning your bathroom or having a difficult conversation. These types of things can benefit you in the future, even if they don’t feel great in the present. 

_MYTH: Practicing self-care can boost your mood and help you feel well, but it is not a magical cure for mental health problems and illnesses. 

_FACT: Blocking off time in your calendar for “me time” is essential to avoid burnout, professionally or otherwise. You can’t pour from an empty cup. 
