Which of the following statements is(are) true of patient counseling? 

Most individual states have set higher standards than those in OBRA 90.

A patient can refuse counseling.

A pharmacy technician cannot counsel.

All of the above statements are true.

All the statements are true

Although OBRA 90 is specific to Medicaid coverage, pharmacies usually counsel all patients on medications that have been prescribed. If these provisions are not met, then the pharmacy cannot receive federal reimbursement for a medication and may face civil liability proceedings. The Board of Pharmacy within each state oversees OBRA 90 compliance and can also impose fines on both pharmacies and pharmacists for non-compliance. A patient may refuse counseling. Pharmacy technicians are not legally permitted to counsel.


What is the pharmacy technician's role in the DUE process?

Inform the pharmacist of the alert to decide what to do


What is a "fast mover" medication?

What is a drug formulary?

To increase efficiency, a shelving section may be designated as “fast movers” and contain medications that are most often prescribed.

A list of all the medications covered under a specific insurance plan


A pharmacy order to a wholesaler is usually sent at what part of the day?

The order is usually sent at the close of business and all departments add their needs to a single order.


Finished prescriptions are stored in the:

Finished product should be bagged and maintained in a “Pick up” or “will call” area, which is accessible to front counter and drive thru window personnel.


You are typing a prescription for a prescription cough medication with codeine for a one year old female and receive a DUE alert. The sig reads: 15 mL tid prn. What is the most likely reason for the DUE alert?

Drug-age precaution  


You are working in the drop off window and a customer has several questions? Which of the following questions must be referred to the pharmacist? 

How many refills are on my antibiotic prescription?

Do you have my new insurance information?

I forgot to take my birth control yesterday, what do I do?

Did my doctor call in my prescription for Ambien?

I forgot to take my birth control yesterday, what do I do?


The pharmacist is on the phone and a patient is at the pick up window for a prescription? You see the medication is in a basket next to the pharmacist but needs a final check. What do you do? 

Check it yourself since pharmacy technicians can do the final check

Wait for the pharmacist to check the prescription since they must do the final check

Ask the store manager to do the final check 

Tell the patient to leave and come back tomorrow since their prescription is not high priority

Wait for the pharmacist to check the prescription since they must do the final check


All of the following are common areas in a community pharmacy except: 

Counseling area

Intake window

Reconstitution area

Sterile compounding area

Sterile compounding area 

In community settings there are common areas such as the following: stock (inventory), data entry and/or filling stations, storefront (OTC) and miscellaneous products shelving, front counter (register) with intake and pick up window areas, counseling area or room, compounding area, drive thru window, reconstitution area (pediatric medications), counter space for inventory check in and processing, automated long term care equipment (blister card or strip packaging), durable and non-durable equipment and offices for billing or physician calls.


What are the four main reasons a medication can be returned to the warehouse or manufacturer?

A medication can be returned to the warehouse or manufacturer for four main reasons: drug recalls, damaged stock, expired drug, or the drug is about to expire. Any drug that is reconstituted or compounded within the pharmacy is an example of a non-returnable drug.


Which schedule of medication is considered an exempt controlled substance?

Schedule C-V medications

 (referred to as exempt controlled substances) may be over-the-counter (OTC) in some states because of the low potential of abuse.


How many years does the pharmacy need to retain invoices for scheduled drug purchases?

Once the drugs are received, the invoice forms for schedules III to V must be kept for no less than 2 years.


Which DEA form is needed to destroy damaged, outdated, or unwanted controlled substances?

DEA Form 41 

is needed for authorization to destroy damaged, outdated, or unwanted controlled substances. Retail pharmacies can only request this form from the DEA once a year. (Hospitals may request a “blanket destruction” permission form, which allows them to destroy a controlled substance multiple times throughout the year.)


Schedule C-II prescriptions cannot be:


Partially filled


A and C


Schedule C-II prescriptions may not be refilled. Schedule II medications are not transferrable because they can only be filled once. Schedule C-II drugs may be partially filled if the pharmacist does not have the full quantity in stock. The pharmacist must note on the prescription the amount filled, and the remaining amount may be dispensed within 72 hours of the first fill.


Which of the following statements is(are) true of record keeping as it/they apply to controlled substances? 

1Federal law allows the choice of one of three different prescription-filing methods.

2Controlled substances must be logged in and out of the pharmacy stock.

3A perpetual inventory must be maintained until an item is no longer stocked.

All are true

A pharmacy has three methods of filing controlled substances and legend drugs. Although federal law allows any one of these three methods to be used, a state's Board of Pharmacy may require a specific method. In addition to the filing of controlled medications, every time a controlled substance is issued to a patient or nursing station, it must be logged out of the pharmacy stock as required under state law. This same standard holds true for returning items or adding new stock to the inventory. The pharmacy must maintain a perpetual inventory of these medications.


What is the maximum number of refills allowed for schedules C-III and C-IV prescriptions?

Schedules C-III and C-IV prescriptions may be refilled up to five times within 6 months after the date the prescription was written, whichever occurs first.


How many times can schedules C-III, C-IV, and C-V prescriptions be transferred?

Schedules C-III, C-IV, and C-V prescriptions may be transferred to another pharmacy only one time.


When transferring a prescription, a technician may:

A pharmacy technician may pull the original prescription from its file or pull it up on the computer system, but the pharmacist is responsible for ensuring that the information being transferred is correct. The transferring pharmacist must record the information from the receiving pharmacist.


A pharmacy must maintain electronic records electronically for __________ from the date of their creation or receipt.

Electronic records must be maintained electronically for 2 years from the date of their creation or receipt.


Which medication is covered under the I-Pledge program?

The FDA regulates isotretinoin (Accutane, Amnesteem, Claravis, Sotret) under a special program called iPledge because of the severe adverse effects of the drug.


The OBRA of 1990 federal counseling rules specifically state that the pharmacist must offer to counsel all: 

1Insured persons with new prescriptions

2Persons with new prescriptions

3Persons with new prescriptions or new instructions for old prescriptions

4Medicaid patients who receive new prescriptions

4 Medicaid patients who receive new prescriptions


DUEs required under OBRA 90 must include all of the following except:

Possible drug interactions

Appropriateness of dosage and duration of therapy

Evaluation of lower cost therapies



Evaluation of lower cost therapies

Pharmacists must review drugs for appropriateness, possible drug interactions, contraindications, and correctness of drug dosage and duration of therapy to ensure patient safety.


What is meant by stock rotation?

Placing stock onto the shelves is another important duty of the pharmacy technician; it is the point at which the stock is rotated. Placing medications with later expiration dates farthest back on the shelf ensures that the medications with the earliest expiration dates will be used first.


All of the following are benefits to inventory management EXCEPT: 

Having medications readily available for patient needs

Cost savings for the pharmacy 

Reducing the amount of medications that are sent back to the distributor

Increases the amount of pharmacy staff needed

Increases the amount of pharmacy staff needed


Which of the following products or services does OBRA require pharmacists to offer to ______. 

package inserts

discount prices



