You’ve just met someone unexpectedly at the supermarket. Which phrasal verb describes this situation?
bump into
Your teacher asks you to hand in your assignment. Which phrasal verb means to submit it?
hand in
You’re about to leave for a weekend getaway. What phrasal verb means to start your journey?
set off
You’re in a good mood, so you decide to decorate your home. Which phrasal verb means to repair or redecorate?
do up
You inherit a large amount of money from a relative. Which phrasal verb describes this situation?
come into
Your friend got angry and stopped talking to you. What phrasal verb describes this type of argument?
fall out with
You’re brainstorming ideas for a new project. What phrasal verb means to think of an idea?
come up with
You’re in a plane, and it’s leaving the ground. What phrasal verb describes this action?
take off
You’re asked to stop eating so much sugar. What phrasal verb means to reduce consumption?
cut down on
While walking, you find a $20 bill on the ground. What phrasal verb means to discover by chance?
come across
After years of being together, you and your partner decide to separate. What phrasal verb describes this?
break up
Your teacher give you some worksheets in class and wants you to distribute them. What phrasal verb means to distribute?
On the way to your destination, you stop at a friend’s house unexpectedly. What phrasal verb describes this visit?
drop by
Your little cousin wants to be a superhero for Halloween. What phrasal verb describes wearing a costume?
dress up
You’ve been using your phone all day, and the battery stops working. Which phrasal verb describes this malfunction?
break down
You’re trying to repair a friendship after a fight. What phrasal verb means to become friends again?
make up with
Your boss assigns you extra tasks because your colleague quit. What phrasal verb describes taking on their responsibilities?
take over
You’re heading toward a specific destination. What phrasal verb describes moving in that direction?
head for
You’re late for work, so your friend asks you to move faster. Which phrasal verb means to go quickly?
hurry up
You have no more milk and need to buy more. What phrasal verb describes having no more of something?
run out of
You admire your teacher for their hard work and dedication. What phrasal verb describes this feeling of respect?
look up to
You’ve been procrastinating but decide to continue working on an important task. What phrasal verb means to resume work?
get on with
You’re in a dangerous situation while traveling and barely manage to escape. What phrasal verb means avoiding punishment or trouble?
get away with
You’ve had a bad day, but your friend tells a joke to make you smile. What phrasal verb means to make someone happier?
You realise you’ve been charged too much for a product. What phrasal verb means being overcharged?
rip off