Turn up
Increase the volume/power
(aumentar o volume)
Put out
The fire brigade put out a big forest fire.
get back
To return
2 Phrasal verbs with get
Get in
Get on
look for
to try to find
Calm down
Look after
I have to look after my little brother when my parents go out.
Get out
Send somebody out or go away yourself
2 Phrasal verbs with Call
Call back
Call away
look out
to be careful or take notice
Give up
Stop/Quit doing something
(Parar / abandonar algo)
Break down
My car broke down on the way to work that's my I was late.
get together
to meet (usually for social reasons)
2 Phrasal verbs with Turn
Turn out
Turn off
look up to
to have a lot of respect/admiration for