I take care of my neighbours' cat when they go on holiday.
I look after their cat.
This is the opposite of "go to bed"
I get up.
You should do this to see if clothes or shoes fit.
You should try on new clothes.
I don't think Halloween is true, it's just a story!
I don't believe in
I can't stand going to that haunted house to tell ghost stories, the strange noises really scare me
the noises freak me out
I wanted to try running 10 km but I was too tired, I 't carry on more than 2, I stopped without finishing!
I gave up (give up)
You do this when you put something on paper in writing.
note down
This phrasal verb means to discover something.
To find out.
They were going to go to the graveyard on Halloween night but they got scared and decided not to go!
They chickened out (chicken out)
When you carve a face into a pumpkin and put some candles inside, it becomes a jack o lantern
It turns into
Another word for "explode" is ...
blow up
You must eat less fast food, it's really unhealthy
cut down on
I really excited for the weekend to arrive! I'm ready for a rest and it's my birthday too
I'm looking forward to the weekend! (look forward to)
The evil witch moved quietly towards the unsuspecting children.
She crept up (creep up)
Sorry but, you can't come to the party if you don't wear a costume!
dress up
She was really ill but finally and she recovered from the cold.
got over (get over)
She asked me to wait a minute because she wasn't ready yet
hang on
My car started smoking and then it stopped working on the motorway, so we had had to call for help.
it broke down (break down)
Some people say that burning sage in your house keeps away evil spirits.
wards off evil spirits (ward off)
It was traditional to put a Jack o’ Lantern out to frighten away any evil spirits.
scare off
I used to like watching horror movies but now I don't like them anymore
Sorry but we haven't got any bread left for breakfast
we've run out of bread
If you have a bad back, you should sign up for pilates or yoga
You should put your name down
They decided to leave a sign in the garden saying “Trick-or-treaters not welcome”.
put out a sign
Spooky films and ghost stories make me feel a bit uncomfortable, I have to hide behind my pillow!
weird me out