This is the past participle form of the infinitive "to get".
What is gotten?
The answer is the participle phrase that describes the noun "music": John discovered that he liked music written in the 1990's.
What is written in the 1990's?
In English grammar, a gerund phrase acts as this.
What is a noun?
This is what we call a verb that "transfers" the action.
What is transitive?
This type of verb ends with the past perfect form.
What is a past participle?
In English grammar, a participle phrase acts as this.
What is an adjective?
The answer is the participle phrase in the following sentence: Maureen went hiking in the woods littered with fallen autumn leaves.
What is "littered with fallen autumn leaves"?
This one is missing from the list: direct object, subject, indirect object.
What is subject complement?
This object receives the action.
What is the direct object?
These verbs end in -ING.
What is present participle and gerund?
This is the present and past participle of the infinitive "to buy".
What is buying / bought?
The answer is the participle phrase that describes the noun in the following sentence: Henry sneakily tried to steal the pies cooling on the windowsill.
What is cooling on the windowsill?
"Time is running out." The gerund phrase is this part of a noun.
What is DO (direct object)?
The answer is the indirect object: why would you give her money as a birthday gift?!"
What is her?
Looking at the words italicized, the answer is this type of phrase: Jeremy loves baking chocolate chip cookies.
What is a gerund phrase?
This is the past participle of the infinitive "to lie (on the couch)"
What is lain?
The answer is the noun described by the participle phrase in the following sentence: Maria had awoken to the sound of thunder rumbling in the distance.
What is thunder?
"Saving money for college is a smart way to plan for the future." The gerund phrase is this part of a noun.
What is the subject?
The answer is the words that are the direct object and indirect object, respectively: Sally made Harry some posters for his lost dog.
What is posters (DO), Harry (IDO)?
Looking at the words italicized, the answer is this type of phrase: The cat curiously studied the fish swimming in the fish tank.
What is a participle phrase?
This is the present and past participle of the infinitive "to forecast".
What is forecasting / forecast?
The answer is the participle phrase in the following sentence: Jack loved Jill, but her feared he could never have jumped over the candle burning a red hot flame.
What is "burning a red hot flame"?
"The student gave answering the question her best effort". The gerund phrase is this part of a noun.
What is IDO (indirect object)?
The answer is the phrase that is the direct object: Jeremy loves baking chocolate chip cookies.
What is baking chocolate chip cookies?
Looking at the words italicized, the answer is this type of phrase: Running with all her might, Isabel tried to finish the race first.
What is a participle phrase?