Phrases v. Clauses
Object of a Preposition
Prepositional Phrases
Transitional Words/Phrases, & Conjunctive adverbs

In between the hills of Patterson Park, a squirrel searches for food.

a. phrase

b. clause

In between the hills of Patterson Park, a squirrel searches for food.

a. phrase


Type the Preposition.

Place the umbrella stand beside the door.

Place the umbrella stand beside the door.


Type the OBJECT of the prepositional phrase.

The airplane flew above the storm.

The airplane flew above the storm.


How many Prepositional Phrases are there?

Lean a little to the left.

a. 0

b. 1

c. 2

Lean a little to the left.

b. 1


Before the storm, the city council failed to inform residents of the disaster. ……………….., the death toll was enormous.


a. Therefore

b. Nevertheless

Before the storm, the city council failed to inform residents of the disaster. a. Therefore, the death toll was enormous.


The volleyball team in red and white jerseys always wins the tournament.

a. phrase

b. clause

The volleyball team in red and white jerseys always wins the tournament.

a. phrase


Type the Preposition.

Mom, may I go skating with my friends?

Mom, may I go skating with my friends?


Type the OBJECT of the prepositional phrase.

Jeremiah, please stand by your desk.

Jeremiah, please stand by your desk.


How many Prepositional Phrases are there?

Don't forget to pack a lunch.

a. 0

b. 1

c. 2

Don't forget to pack a lunch.

a. 0

to pack is an infinitive and makes a verb phrase, not a prepositional phrase. 


Many smokers believe that e-cigarettes can help them quit smoking. ……………….., scientific researches show that e-cigarettes are more addictive and lethal than traditional cigarettes.


a. In addition

b. However

Many smokers believe that e-cigarettes can help them quit smoking. b. However, scientific research shows that e-cigarettes are more addictive and lethal than traditional cigarettes.


Although Noah was sick, he still went to work.

a. phrase

b. clause

Although Noah was sick, he still went to work.

b. clause


Type the preposition.

You can get extra supplies from the stationery store.

You can get extra supplies from the stationery store.


Type the OBJECT of the prepositional phrase.

The ground under the trees isn’t even wet.

The ground under the trees isn’t even wet.


How many Prepositional Phrases are there?

Eileen and Miranda have been best friends since third grade.

a. 0

b. 1

c. 2

Eileen and Miranda have been best friends since third grade.

b. 1


……………….. the impacts of global warming, Vietnam has witnessed an increasing number of hurricanes over the past few years.


a. In spite of

b. Due to

c. Due to the impacts of global warming, Vietnam has witnessed an increasing number of hurricanes over the past few years.


After she ate dinner, Belle ordered dessert.

a. phrase

b. clause

After she ate dinner, Belle ordered dessert.

b. clause


Type the preposition.

We ran five laps around the gym and then practiced shots.

We ran five laps around the gym and then practiced shots.


Type the OBJECT of the prepositional phrase.

We can do this work without any extra help.

We can do this work without any extra help.


How many Prepositional Phrases are there?

Alfie, my golden retriever, relaxes in the shade under the oak tree.

a. 0

b. 1

c. 2

Alfie, my golden retriever, relaxes in the shade under the oak tree.

c. 2


……………….. continuous efforts of the Japanese government to create a work-life balance, the overwork culture in this country is still growing.


a. Due to

b. In spite of

d. In spite of continuous efforts of the Japanese government to create a work-life balance, the overwork culture in this country is still growing.


Zyron has been dreaming about this vacation for years.

a. phrase

b. clause

Zyron has been dreaming about this vacation for years.

a. phrase


Type the Preposition.

I found my homework inside my social studies book.

I found my homework inside my social studies book.


Type the OBJECT of the prepositional phrase.

Juan shyly stood apart from the other new students.

Juan shyly stood apart from the other new students.


How many Prepositional Phrases are there?

The paprika is between the onion powder and the pepper.

a. 0

b. 1

c. 2

The salt is between the onion powder and the pepper.

b. 1


Scientific researches indicate a number of negative impacts of poor sleeping quality. ……………….., the problem can lead to anxiety and depression.


a. Otherwise

b. For example

Scientific research indicates a number of negative impacts of poor sleeping quality. b. For example, the problem can lead to anxiety and depression.
