On a momentum bar chart, this quantity is equal to the change in momentum of the system and with these SI units.

Which are Impulse and Newton Seconds


Given a vector A = 20.0N at 235and vector B = 50.0cm at 40on a flat level table, this is the cross product B X A and the direction of the angular velocity.

What are -2.59Nm and downward into the table.


A ball of Playdoh is split into 3 pieces of uneven mass, small, medium, and large. This is the comparison of the density of Playdoh in each piece, (Dsmall, Dmedium, Dlarge)

They are all the same

Dsmall = Dmedium = Dlarge


A ball on a string swings back and forth 12 times in 5.0 seconds. This is the period of the swinging ball.

What is 0.42 seconds.


For a 10kg and 20kg cart separately pushed from rest by a 50 newton force for 5 seconds each. This is the ratio of the momentum of the 20kg cart to the 10 kg cart once the force is removed.

What is 1:1


A 50cm massless rod has two masses attached to it at either end. On the left a 2.0kg mass and on the right a 500g mass. The center of mass for this system is this point along the rod.

What is 0.1m from the 2.0kg mass.


The pressure on a tire gauge reads 32.0psi. This is the absolute pressure in the tire pascals. 

What is 322000pa
A block at the end of a spring sliding along a flat frictionless surface moves from one extreme position to the other every 0.12 seconds. This is the frequency of the that oscillating block.

What is 4.2Hz


Bob sees a stationary cart 8.0m in front of him. He decides to run to the cart as fast as he can, jump on, and roll down the street. Bob has a mass of 75kg and the cart's mass is 25kg. Bob accelerates at a steady 1.0m/s2. This is the carts speed just after Bob jumps on.

What is 3.0m/s


Luis uses a 20cm long wrench to a turn a nut in a clockwise direction. the wrench handle is 30o above the horizontal, and luis straight down on the end of the wrench with a force of 100N. This is the torque exerted by Luis on the nut.



A solid object with a density of 714kg/mis placed in a fluid with density of 973kg/m3. This is percentage of the object's mass above the fluids surface.

What is 26.6%


An oscillating object begins at the equilibrium point and is moving towards the negative extreme. This is the objects phase constant.

What is Pi/2.


A 2kg box and a 4kg box are sitting next to other at rest on a frictionless surface. After an explosion occurs between them the 2kg box has a velocity of -8m/s. This is the velocity of the 4kg box.

What is 4m/s 


Two buckets spin around in a horizontal circle on the end of a rod with frictionless bearings. This is the result once rain starts to fill the buckets.

The buckets slow down because the angular momentum of the bucket + rain system is conserved. 


Monitoring the gauges of a pipe where a fluid flows to the right past pressure gauges labeled A, B, and C, you notice the pressure of A > B > C. The diameter of the pipe ______ and the the flow velocity of the fluid _____ as it flows through this section. 

What are decreased diameter and increased velocity.


An oscillating object has a potential energy of 0.31J and a mass of 0.1kg. This is the maximum velocity of the object.

What is 2.5m/s


A 200g ball moves to the right at 2.0m/s. It has a head-on, perfectly elastic collision with a 100g ball that is moving toward it at 3.0m/s. These are the final velocities of both balls.

What are

200g ball: -1.3m/s (to the left)

100g ball: 3.7m/s (to the right)


The engine in a small airplane is specified to have a torque of 60Nm. This engine drives a 2.0m long 40kg propeller. On start-up it takes this long for the propeller to reach 200rpm. 

(The moment of inertia of a rod rotating about its center is 1/12ML2) 

What is 4.6s


A 10.0cm diameter suction cup is pushed against a smooth ceiling creating a perfect vacuum between the wall and cup. This is the maximum mass of an object that can be suspended from the cup without pulling it off the ceiling.

What is 81kg


A block of 5kg oscillating at the end of spring with spring constant 125Nm slides across a level frictionless surface. At the equilibrium length it has a maximum velocity of 5m/s. This is the maximum displacement of the block from the equilibrium length.

What is 1m.
