Uniform Motion
Work and Energy

A block of mass 4.0 kg rests on a horizontal surface. What horizontal force is required to accelerated the block at 5.0 m/s/s if the coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.25?

What is 30 N?


A grinding wheel (radius 7.6 cm) is rotating at 1750 rpm. What is the speed of a point on the outer edge of the wheel? 

What is 14 m/s?

The driver of a 1500 kg car slams on the brakes locking the wheels. A total detaining force of 1800 N acts to stop the car in distance of 70.0 m. How much work is done in bringing the car to a halt? Is the work done on or by the car?

What is -1.3 x 10^5 J? The work is negative so the work is done by the car.


Two 75 kg masses are separated by a distance of 1.0 m. A 5.0 kg object is placed 0.25 m from one of the masses (.75 m from the other) along the line joining the masses. What is the gravitonal force on the object? 

What is 3.6 x 10^-7 N?

A spacecraft orbits Mars (mass 6.40 x 10^23 kg) in a circular orbit of radius 8.01 x 10^5 km. What is the period of the spacecraft?

What is 2.18 x 10^7 s?


A bicyclist tops the crest of a 20.0 m high hill moving with a speed of 1.0 m/s. Ignoring friction find the speed of the bicycle at the bottom of the hill.

What is 20 m/s?


There is a 10 kg mass hangin from a rope. What is the tension in the rope if the acceleration of the mass is zero? 

What is 108 N?


A car can barely negotiate a 50.0 m unbanked curve when the coefficient of static friction between the tires and road is .80. How much bank would the curve require if the car is to safely go around the curve without relying on friction?

What is 39 degrees?

A 2.0 ton truck descending a 5.0 degree hill is brought to a stop in 250 ft. The driver applies the brakes so that the wheels lock. If the ceeffiecnt of kinetic friction between the truck tires and the road is .60, how much work is done by friction in stopping the truck?

What is -6.0 x 10^5 ft-lb?

There is a 10 kg mass hanging from a rope. What is the tension in the rope if the acceleration is -5m/s/s?

What is 48 N?


How many revolutions per minutes must a rotating space station (r = 1200 m) turn to provide an artificial gravity of .50 g?

What is .61 rev/min


A swing is observed to rise to a maximum height of 1.5 m above its lowest point. How fast is it going at its lowest point. Ignore friction and air resistance. 

What is vo = 5.4 m/s?


There is a 100 kg crate sliding down an inclined plane. The plan is inclined at an 30 degrees. The coefficient of friction between the crate and the incline is 0.3. Determine the acceleration of the crate. 

What is 2.35 m/s/s? 


A 1.5 kg toy motorcycle is moving on the inside of a vertical circular tank (r= 1.0 m). If arrives at the top of the track with a speed of 5.0 m/s. What force does the track exert on the motorcycle?

What is 23 N?

A 1500 kg car accelerates from rest to 75 km/h in 45 s. How much power is supplied by the engine to accelerate the car?

What is 7.3 x 10^3 W?
