Health Benefits of Physical Activity
Physical Activity Recommendations
Informational Approaches to Promoting Physical Activity
Behavioral and Social Approaches to Promoting Physical Activity
Types of Physical Activity

The movement of the body caused by skeletal muscle contractions. Move Your Body: do 10 push-ups!

What is Physical Activity?


For substantial health benefits, adults should engage in at least _____ minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity, or _____ minutes a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity. Move Your Body: 10 skaters!

What is 150 and 75? 


A concentrated effort to promote physical activity using a variety of methods delivered in multiple settings. Move Your Body: 10 overhead presses!

What is a Community-Wide Campaign? 


Enhanced school-based physical education interventions include at least one of these 3 components. Move Your Body: 10 squat jumps!

 What is increasing the amount of time students spend in moderate to vigorous-intensity physical activity during physical education class, adding physical education classes to the school curriculum, and lengthening the time of existing physical education classes?


Increases the body's ability to use oxygen as a source of fuel for sustained work. Move Your Body: Jog in place till you answer the next question correctly!

What is Aerobic exercise?


The physiologic capacity of systems of the body that are affected by physical activity. Move Your Body: 10 body weight squats!

What is Physical Fitness?


Children and adolescents should perform 60 minutes or more of these physical activities daily. Move Your Body: 60 mountain climbers!

What is aerobic, muscle-strengthening, and bone-strengthening?


Signs posted by elevators and escalators to encourage people to walk using nearby stairs. Move Your Body: 20 step ups!

What is Point-of decision prompts?


The reinforcement of physical activity and nutrition knowledge and concepts offers students the opportunity to practice decision making, goal setting, self-assessment, time management, and self-reinforcement skills. Move Your Body: 10 reverse crunches!

What is Health Education? 


Activities that increase size and strength of muscle tissue including weight and resistance training. Move Your Body: 10 triceps kickbacks!

What is muscle-strengthening exercise? 


Higher volumes of physical activity produce greater health benefits. The volume of aerobic activity is the product of these three items. Move Your Body: 10 alternating lunges!

What is Frequency, Duration, and Intensity?


To help prevent falls and to reduce risk of injury from falls, older adults should perform these physical activities 3 or more days per week. Move Your Body: Walk backwards for 1 minute!

What is Flexibility and Balance? 


Mass media, multiple components (variety of methods), multiple settings, individual-level and community-level strategies, high visibility, and plan for sustainability. Move Your Body: 20 crunches!

What are the characteristics of Community-Wide Campaigns? 


This includes skills used by people who are modifying their behavior to become more active or self-managing to remain active. Move Your Body: 20 side lunges!

What is Individually-Adapted Health Behavior Change Interventions? 


Increase range of motion of joints and the distance a muscle can be stretched. Move Your Body: Hold forward fold for 30 seconds!

What are Flexibility Exercises?


Physical activity protects against this group of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Move Your Body: 10 burpees!

What is Cardiovascular Disease?


Muscles that should be strengthened at least 2 days a week by adults. Move Your Body: 10 triceps dips!

What are Legs, Hips, Back, Chest, Abdomen, Shoulders, and Arms? 


Research conducted during the developmental stages of a project or campaign. It may include reviews, pretesting messages or materials, and pilot testing programs on a small scale before full implementation. Move Your Body: 20 Bicycle crunches!

What is Formative Research? 


These theories recognize and take into account the individual variability among people, including their physical activity preferences, interests, and readiness to make behavior changes. Move Your Body: 10 supermans!

What is social cognitive theory, the health belief model, and the transtheoretical model? 


Increase the stability of the body as it adopts various positions and does tasks, such as standing or walking. Move Your Body: Sit up and down on a chair until the next question answered correctly!

What are Balance Exercises? 

A body mass index of 30 or greater is considered. Move Your Body: 30 jumping jacks!

What is Obesity?


A person must lift more weight than they are accustomed to and continue lifting until unable to perform another repetition without help. Move Your Body: 12 Bicep curls!

What is the Overload Principle? 


A risk for community-wide campaigns because an adequate "dose" required for changing knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors may not be delivered. Move Your Body: 20 high knees!

What is Lack of Resources? 


Focuses on exercise groups by providing companionship and support to help group members achieve their physical activity and fitness goals. Move Your Body: 10 glute raises!

What is Social Support Interventions? 


Activities include jumping activities like jump rope or games or sports that involve jumping, like gymnastics, basketball, or volleyball. Move Your Body: jump rope for 1 minute!

What is bone-strengthening exercises? 
