Physical Changes and Life Expectancy
Biology, Environment, Quality of Life
Health, Fitness and Disabilities
Mental Capacities

Maria was born on November 16, 1944; thus, she is 75 years old.  75 is Maria's ____________.

Chronological age


What percent of the USA population can expect to live to 100 years?

1%; women are 5x more likely to live to 100 than men.


Leading causes of death among people age 65 and older in the U.S.

Heart disease



A set of disorders occurring almost entirely in old age in which many aspects of thought and behaviors are so impaired that everyday activities are disrupted.


•Dementia: thought & behavior impairments; most irreversible

–A dozen types: (e.g., Parkinson’s)

§Affects 13% of those over 65; 22% of those 85 to 89; 50% after 90

•Common forms:

–Alzheimer’s (70%):

§Structural/chemical brain deterioration

–Disease’s span: 1 – 20 years

–Life expectancy at age 70 onset: men = 4.5 yrs. women = 8 yrs.

–Cerebrovascular dementia (15%):

§Series of strokes produces step-by-step degeneration of mental ability

Most caused by atherosclerosis


Name a characteristic of older people who evidence greater wisdom.

•Breadth and depth of practical knowledge

•Ability to reflect on, apply knowledge to improve life

•Ability to listen, evaluate others’ concerns

•Transmission of useful knowledge to younger people

–Those rated as wisest had specific types of life experience:

•Human-service careers; leadership positions

•Experience overcoming adversity


Although Maria is 75 years old, she looks and acts more like a 60-year-old.  60 is Maria's _______________.

Functional Age


Basic self-care tasks, including bathing, dressing and eating are referred to as _________________

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)


Name three benefits of exercise in late adulthood.

Exercise preserves brain and central nervous system

Heart, lung, circulation improve up to age 80

Gains in muscle size, strength up to age 90

Less brain tissue loss; gains in volume of cerebral cortex

Endurance training increases vital capacity

Weight-bearing exercise improves walking, balance, posture

Regular, moderate to vigorous exercise improves cognition, makes seniors feel energetic


Three symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease

•Progressively worsening memory problems

•Personality changes, anxiety in response to uncertainty, aggressive outbursts, depression

•Motor and speech problems

•Sleep disturbances, delusions

•Loss of recognition of objects, familiar people


Name three physical changes that take place in late adulthood

•Skin creases and sags, “age spots”

•Nose and ears broaden

•Hair thins, teeth yellow

•Weight declines after age 60

•Height continues to decline,
especially for women

•Muscle strength declines

•Bone strength deteriorates, reduced bone mass

•Joint flexibility decreases


Yamato is 68 and has never had an injury or disease. He expects this will continue well into his 70s.  This is a reasonable expectation because Japan has the highest _________________.

Healthy life expectancy (HLE; years expected to live in full health without disease or injury)


Conducting business of daily life, such as shopping, food preparation housekeeping and paying bills are referred to as _______________.

Instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs)

(at 75, 17% of American struggle with IADLs).


Name three factors that are associated with increased risk for Type 2 Diabetes.





Abnormally high glucose: long-term damage to

–Heart, circulatory system

–Eyes, kidneys, nerves

–Brain, neurons; elevated risk of dementia

Lifestyle changes are necessary; can be reversed early on


Three risk factors for Alzheimer's disease.

•Genetic predisposition

•High-fat diet, physical inactivity, overweight and obesity, smoking, diabetes, head injuries, and other


The oldest verified age for a human is _________

122 years


Name three factors that are associated with one's life expectancy.

Possible answers: gender, SES, poverty, malnutrition, disease, armed conflict (e.g., war), ethnicity, nationality


Explain (describe) two types of visual impairments associated with aging.

Cataracts: cloudy areas in lens: foggy vision & eventual blindness; 25% of those in 70s; 50% of those in 80s

These changes cause Poor dark adaptation, sensitivity to glare, Decreased color, depth perception

Macular degeneration: Light sensitive cells in macula die; leading cause of blindness in older adults

10% in 65 - to 70 yr. olds
30% of 70s – 80 yr. olds


Motor vehicle accident rates are highest for this age group.

under 25 years of age.

•Motor vehicle:

–Over 65 has the second highest rate ater the under 25 age group

§Vision problems, slowed reaction time, indecisiveness


Three protective factors for Alzheimer's disease

•Education, complex cognitive activities

•Mediterranean diet

•Stimulating social and leisure activities

•Regular exercise


Name three benefits of lifelong learning

–New ideas, skills, friends

–Broader world perspective

–Improved self-image

Rise in use of online technology


Amir is no longer able to hear sounds in the high frequency range and needs to have the sound to the television on quite high.  Name three things can Amir do so that his hearing loss does not affect his quality of life.

Intermodal perception (attending to facial features, lip movement), quiet environment (moving to another room; having others not talking), closed captioning, hearing aids, devices (assistive technology, such as headphones)


Give five characteristics of centenarians that contribute to their longevity.

Genetics (efficient immune system, few brain abnormalities)

Health: diet, low substance use, exercise

Personality, optimism, independence, emotional security

Social support: Close family bonds, happy marriage

Actively engaged, stimulating work


Name two types of arthritis.  What is the primary difference between the two?


–Deteriorating cartilage on ends of bones in joints

–Often caused by wear and tear on frequently used joints

Common in people over 65 (45% of men 55% of women)

Frequent cause for hip and knee replacements

•Rheumatoid arthritis:

–Autoimmune response; involves whole body

Inflammation of connective tissue, membranes that line joints

–Causes aching, inflammation, stiffness

–Cartilage tissue grows, causes damage & deformation

Deforms joints; damages nearby ligaments, muscles, bones; serious mobility loss

–Physical functioning aided by regular exercise


Three symptoms that are often misdiagnosed as dementia.


–Medication side effects

–Diseases involving temporary mental symptoms

–Environmental changes and social isolation


Name three factors that relate to cognitive change.

•Modest genetic contribution

•Mentally active life: education, stimulating leisure, community participation, flexibility

•Health status

•Retirement: both positive and negative effects on intellectual functioning

–Positively related for those who leave routine jobs for stimulating leisure activities, or maintain complex, challenging work

Negatively related to moving into sedentary, non-stimulating activiti
