This happens as a result an adolescents extremities growing faster than the body.
What is loss of coordination?
Three bones fuse together during puberty to form this.
What is the tailbone?
Young adults often lack this, and therefore eat too many empty calories that are void of essential nutrients. Their lack of this tends to follow them into adulthood.
What is proper nutrition?
The belief that everyone's attention is centered on young adolescents when they are in the presence of others.
What is an imaginary audience?
There are ______ interpersonal and intrapersonal traits that are directly related to emotional intelligence.
What are seven?
Middle school students tend to have more of these because their bones grow faster than their muscles.
What are fractures?
The gender that tends to physically develop two years earlier.
What are females?
Due to sweat glands changing, and more odors forming, young adolescents need to pay more attention to these things.
What are cleanliness and personal hygiene?
This was described as the exploration of many possible roles without any strong commitment to any of them. Students at the middle school level would best fit in this stage.
What is identity moratorium?
Many young adults display ___________ behaviors including acting on their thoughts without thinking through consequences.
What is impulsive?
This is needed frequently due to abundant energy and hormonal fluctuations.
What is movement?
Menarche and spermarche mark the beginning of this in young adults.
What is sexual maturation?
This is very important to adolescents, and is often the basis for peer selection, social image, and romantic appeal.
What is physical appearance?
Forming this in adolescence will help teenagers figure out who they are as individuals, where they might want to go with their lives, and how they can fit into society.
What is personal identity?
The experimentation and exploration in early adolescence can lead to this. It can include taking on new ventures and quickly losing interest (including friendships and romantic interests).
What is fickleness?
The timing of this can make it difficult for students who are early or late developers.
What is puberty?
Hormones from the pituitary stimulate this gland, located in the throat, to produce hormones that are responsible for physical growth.
What is the thyroid gland?
This plays a major role in the well-being of individuals and directly relates to their success, achievement, and overall mental health.
What is self-esteem?
This involves an artificially elevated sense of uniqueness.
What is the personal fable?
This is heightened by the loss of control over one's environment, difficulties in finding status in peer relationships, and living in an unstable family. Additionally anguishing over natural, social, and political issues also causes this.
What is stress?
Oil and dead skin can clog pores and result in this.
What is acne?
The best source of information in regards to an adolescent's changing body.
Who are the parents?
Adults must take care of themselves physically and emotionally in order to be this for adolescents.
What is a good role model?
Males generate this through personal achievement, whereas females generate this through social acceptance and the quality of interpersonal relationships they establish.
What is self-concept?
Young adults typically use this type of humor on each other which can result in hurt feelings.