What is your average fat burning zone in bpm?
125 bpm-155bpm
Name your shoulder
How many stages are in the sleep cycle?
It is the number of repetitions for long period of time
What is muscular endurance?
The ability to sprint and change direction at a fast speed
What is agility?
What is your cardio zone in bpm?
anything above 155bpm
Name your thigh?
in what stage do you start dreaming?
stage 4- REM
It is the ability to stretch and have major range of motion
What is flexibility?
What is power?
What is V02 Max?
Maximum Oxygen Volume during intense exercise
use anatomy terminology for your upper arm (front)
bicep (s)
How long is your deep sleep?
about 90 mins
The ability to exert maximum force once.
What is muscular strength?
a state of equilibrium
What is balance?
It is the process called after a workout to bring your heart rate down
What is cool down?
Name the anatomy terminology of your upper arm (back side)
What is your daily recommended hours of sleep?
The ability to keep your lungs and heart working hard for long periods of time
What is Cardiovascular Endurance?
a person's ability to move fast
What is speed?
What is the formula to find your HR manually?
count your pulses for 6 seconds and add a zero at the end.
Name your back using anatomy terminology
latissimus dorsi
What is the most common sleep problem?
It is composed by muscle, bone and water?
What is Body Composition?
time is take for you to initiate an action or movement in response to a stimuli.
What is reaction time?