
What does it mean to be physically healthy?

You are able to do your daily activities with optimal performance, endurance, and strength. Management of disease, fatigue, and stress. They have good energy, balanced diet & nutrition, and sleep.


How much sleep should you be getting a night? Why is a good night’s sleep important?

6-13 years: 9-11 hours a day

14-18: 8-10 hours a day


Pull ups 

  1. Record the total number of pull-ups completed correctly in 60 seconds. Be consistent with the procedures presented in the merit badge pamphlet.


Explain the importance of good nutrition

  1. Improved mood, better memory and cognitive function 

  2. Helps you stay a healthy weight, gives body nutrients to grow muscles and bones

  3. Less likely to have diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, cavities 

  4. Prevents acne


What ways can you prevent diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer?

Healthy diet, exercise, cut sugar, no smoking, avoid sedentary lifestyles


What are ways you are sedentary at home or school?

  1. Television 

  2. Video games 

  3. Sitting in a car

  4. Reading

  5. Sitting at a desk at school


What does it mean to be mentally healthy?

includes our emotional, and psychological well-being which affects how we feel, act and think from day to day. This helps with the ability to learn, share and and express our feelings.


Push ups 

  1. Record the total number of push-ups completed correctly in 60 seconds. Be consistent with the procedures presented in the merit badge pamphlet.


How much water/fluids should you drink a day?

  1. Around 2 liters (8 & ½ water bottles)


How can you avoid bad habits like using drugs and alcohol?

  1. Don’t give into peer pressure, choose good friends, keep healthy lifestyle, find hobbies 


What are the benefits of being physically active?

  1. More energy and less fatigue 

  2. Improved memory and concentration (better grades)

  3. Less likely to get diseases like diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease

  4. More bone and muscle strength

  5. Better mental health (happier!!)


What does it mean to be socially healthy?

How we interact with people and how comfortable we are around other people. Having a sense of belonging, happiness and treating others with respect. 


Sit ups 

  1. Record the number of sit-ups done correctly in 60 seconds. The sit-ups must be done in the form explained and illustrated in the merit badge pamphlet.


What ways can you add healthier foods into your diet? 

  1. Help your parents shop & plan meals 

  2. Ask for fruits and vegetables to be available for snacks or try growing a garden 

  3. Eat at the table with your family instead of at the TV 

  4. Learn your portion sizes 

  5. Keep a water bottle with you to stay hydrated 

  6. Learn how to track your food and calories 


What are the warning signs of cancer?

Unintended weight loss, fatigue, bleeding or bruising, cough that doesn’t go away, bowel changes, lumps, blood in urine or stool, nausea/vomiting, headaches, seizures.


What are ways you are physically active at home or at school?

  1. Walking/Running/Hiking

  2. Sports like basketball, soccer, swimming

  3. Martial arts/karate

  4. Biking

  5. Jump rope

  6. Yardwork/house work (sweeping, mowing the lawn)

  7. 3 days a week of all 3 types of activities Aerobic activity: means your heart rate beats faster, muscle strengthening: climbing, doing push ups, bone strengthening: jumping/running


How does bullying affect mental health?

High rates of depression, anxiety, insomnia, and loneliness. People also tend to have low self-esteem and suicide ideation.


Flexibility Test 

Using a sit-and-reach box constructed according to specifications in the merit badge pamphlet, make four repetitions and record the fourth reach. This last reach must be held for 15 seconds to qualify. (Remember to keep your knees down.)


Name some healthy and unhealthy foods

Unhealthy foods 

Solid fats, added sugars, reduced sodium 

Energy drinks (can cause dehydration, heart complications, anxiety like nervousness, and jitteriness, and insomnia)

Fast food/processed foods/fried foods 


vegtables, fruits, legumes, beans, lean meats poultry,, eggs, fish, tofu, nuts, grain, milk, yogurt, cheese 


Injury prevention? 

Wear seat belt, helmet, wear right protection when playing sports etc, follow rules, don't text and drive, be careful on 4 wheelers and mountain biking, wear life vest when boating


What are some substances that negatively affect our physical health? Name how these substances are bad for your body.

  1. Alcohol: Affects your growth, brain development, imparis your memory and learning, impedes your thinking and decision making, more likely to get in car accidents, fights, get STDs.

  2. Tabaco/smoking/vaping harms brain development memory attention and mood, drug addiction, panic attacks, depression, lung injury

  3. Marijuana: addiction, car accidents, limited achievements, lung disorders, seizures. Brain: Difficulty thinking and problem solving, problems with memory and learning, impaired coordination, difficulty maintaining attention


How do you spend quality time with your friends and family? 

Camping trips, bike rides, games nights, going to dinner/eating meals together.


Aerobic Fitness Test

Walk/run as fast as you can for 9 minutes  


Name categories of the food groups that should be included in a healthy diet

  1. A variety of fruits and vegetables (half of your plate) Different colors provide different nutrients like red, orange & green 

  2. Whole grains (half of your grains whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat bread, oatmeal. White flour is processed and stripped of vitamins minerals, and fiber) 

  3. Fat free and low fat dairy products

  4. A variety of protein foods 

  5. Oils


preventative screenings?

Annual checkups with PCP, mole checks, wear sunscreen
