How much physical activity minutes should you get per day?
60 minutes
What is a healthy snack choice?
Fruit, vegetables, water, or sugar free drinks
How long should you wash your hands for?
20 seconds
What is 1 fitness activity?
Lifting weights, body weight exercises, swimming, or riding a bike
How many hours of restful sleep should you get each night?
9-9.5 hours
Give 1 recommendation for how school can improve your physical activity?
More recess or movement breaks throughout the day
Give 1 recommendation for how school can improve your balanced diet?
Give 1 recommendation for how school can improve your hygiene & disease prevention?
Hand sanitizer in the hallways, tissues available, the nurse available, or posters on how to properly wash hands
Give 1 recommendation for how school can improve your physical fitness?
Give 1 recommendation for how school can improve your sleep?
Less homework or a later start time
What does it mean to be active?
being active throughout the day, not just when working out
What does it mean to have a balanced diet?
Eating lots of fruits and vegetables and less processed foods
What does it mean to practice good hygiene & disease prevention?
Keeping your body clean & free of disease, taking a shower, using deodorant, and closing open wounds
What does it mean to be physically fit?
Intentionally strengthening your physical body by working out, working out for at least 30 minutes per day
What does it mean to restore sleep?
Getting 9-9.5 hours of sleep, or going to bed at the same time every night without your phone
Why is it beneficial to stay physically active?
Improve brain health, manage weight, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve your every day activities
For energy to keep you active, nutrients for repair and growth, and to prevent diet related illness
Why is it beneficial to practice good hygiene & disease prevention?
To prevent illnesses like COVID, colds, the flu, and to kill germs
Why is it beneficial to be physically fit?
Strengthen bones and muscles, improve your mood, and helps with sleep
Why is it beneficial to get enough sleep each night?
Improves your brain health, your mood, and helps reset your body for the day
Name 1 unhealthy habit and give 1 healthy alternative for active lifestyle
Watching too much tv - going outside for a walk
Name 1 unhealthy habit and give 1 healthy alternative for balanced diet
Name 1 unhealthy habit and give 1 healthy alternative for hygiene & disease prevention
Not showering regularly - shower regularly
Washing hands with cold water - use warm/hot water to kill germs
Not covering your mouth when sneezing or coughing - use your elbow to cover up
Name 1 unhealthy habit and give 1 healthy alternative for physical fitness
Not intentionally working out - start working out
Name 1 unhealthy habit and give 1 healthy alternative for restorative sleep
Playing video games too late - limit screen time and go to bed at the same time every night