Force and Motion
Scientific Investigations & Misc.
Changes in Matter & more
Heat Energy
Sound Energy

Which equation will help you calculate the speed of an object?

A. Distance traveled divided by time

B. Distance traveled plus time

C. Mass of the object plus distance traveled

D. Time traveled multiplied by mass of object

A. Distance divided by time


What causes the apparent motion of the Sun?

Earth's rotation


Which of these is undergoing a physical change?

A. An ice cream melting

B. A rusting penny

C. A toasting marshmallow

D. A decaying banana

A. An ice cream melting


What are the three type of heat transfer?

Conduction, convection, and radiation.


How is sound energy produced?

Sound energy is produced when particles in the air vibrate. 

After taking off, a plane has some trouble flying in a perfectly straight line, and is pushed side to side as it flies above the clouds.  Which type of energy is the most likely cause for the plane's slight changes in position?

Wind energy


Select all of the following statements which are observations, NOT inferences:

A. The dog's curly tail is cute. 

B. The cat has stripes on its tail. 

C. The dog's tail is wagging back and forth.

D. The cat likes to sit in the sun in the afternoon.

E. Most birds prefer smaller seeds over larger seeds. 

B and C.


Which of the following is an example of chemical change?

A. Pizza dough being rolled out into a circle.

B. Pizza sauce and toppings being laid together on the surface.

C. Pizza baking in the oven.

D. Pizza being cut into slices.

C. Pizza baking in the oven.  

Why is it a chemical change? Discuss!


What is the difference between an insulator and a conductor?

An insulator slows/blocks the process of heat transfer, while a conductor allows heat to pass through it easily.


In a vibrating object, which of the following changes would result in a higher-pitch sound?

A. Decreasing the speed of the vibrations.

B. Increasing the speed of the vibrations.

C. Make the vibration louder.

D. Make the vibration quieter.

B. Increasing the speed of the vibrations.

(Faster frequency of sound waves = higher pitch sound.)


What is true of ALL moving objects?

All moving objects change position over time.

What is the difference between weathering and erosion?

Weathering breaks rocks down and erosion carries the sediment to a new location.


Camilla is studying minerals in different types of rocks. Which of the following would NOT help Camilla obtain data about the rock?

A. Measure the volume of the rock

B. Make observations of the rock’s minerals

C. Predict that the rock is millions of years old

D. Test the effect of dripping vinegar onto the rock

C. Predict that the rock is millions of years old.


At a summer picnic, you open the cooler full of drinks to grab yourself a soda. On accident, you leave the lid of the cooler open.  Which statement best explains why the ice inside the cooler now starts to melt?

A. The heat from the outside air moves into the cooler.

B. The coldness from the ice moves into the outside air.

C. The ice transfers cooler air into the warmer air surrounding it.

D. The sodas will keep the cooler cold longer.

A. the heat from the air moves into the cooler.



Mrs. Adikes is playing guitar.  If she wants to create higher-pitch sounds, what should she do to the guitar strings?

A. Loosen them

B. Pluck them harder

C. Pluck them softer

D. Tighten them

D. Tighten them


You are playing outside after school.  During a race with your friends, you run in a straight line down to the end of the street, then come to a stop before the road turns.  Which of the following best describes your path during the race?

A. You changed both position and direction

B. You changed position, but not direction

C. You changed direction, but not position

D. You ran at a high, constant speed.

B. You changed position, but not direction


Mrs. Adikes is doing an experiment to see if tomato grow better if they are watered 4 times(x)/week instead of 2 times(x)/week.  

She graphed the height of both plants for 2 months, and she noticed that the plant watered 4x/week grew to a height of 14cm, and the plant watered 2x/week grew to a height of 12.5cm.

What can Mrs. Adikes conclude based on her results?

Although the plant watered 4times/week was 1.5 inches taller than the one watered 2times/week, there is no scientifically significant difference in growth rate of the plants.

(teacher discretion on awarding half-points on this one)


Carlos is making caramel apples. He melts sugar in a pan. He watches carefully as the sugar turns brown and becomes caramel. He pushes a stick into the top of an apple. Then he stirs the apple in the caramel.

Which of Carlos' actions is a chemical reaction?

A. the sugar dissolving

B. sugar becoming caramel

C. the stick piercing the apple

D. the caramel covering the apple

B. sugar becoming caramel


You are baking cookies after school.  When you go to take the cookies out of the oven, you notice you lost your regular oven mitts.  Which of the following materials would be best to use to protect your hand?

Secondly, why is the material you chose the best?

A.  aluminum, B. steel , C. cardboard, D. copper

C. cardboard

It is an insulator and it blocks the transfer of heat energy.


Which of the following properties of sound is determined by the strength of the vibrations creating the sound? 

A. speed 

B. pitch 

C. volume

D. none of these

C. volume


Your class is making a team poster on kinetic energy.  Which of the following examples would NOT belong on this poster?

A. kicking a soccer ball into a goal

B. a rock tumbling down a cliff

C. holding a tray of food

D. swinging a baseball bat

C. holding a tray of food


Mrs. Chance drops a rubber bouncy ball from a height of 60 inches.  She records the height the ball bounces, in cm.  Next, she drops the same ball from a height of 120 inches, then records the height it bounces. 

Which testable question is Mrs. Chance most likely testing?

A. How the dropping distance affects the speed of the ball. /B. How the dropping distance affects the bounce height of a ball. /C. How the ball type affects the bounce height of a ball. /D. How the surface of the ground affects bounce height of a ball. 

B. How the dropping distance affects the bounce height of a ball.


Explain the difference between a physical change and a chemical change. 

A physical change does NOT result in a new substance, but changes in appearance, state of matter, etc. Usually reversible to some extent.

A chemical change DOES result in a new substance, and is usually signified by changes in odor, color, etc. Usually irreversible. 


Mrs. Arpin's class is measuring which material would be the best conductor by putting 4 square tiles out in the sun for 10 minutes.  Each of the 4 tiles is made of a different material: steel, styrofoam, plastic, and wood. 

In order to determine which was the best conductor, what result would we expect to see?

We would want to see which cup gained the most heat energy from being out in the sun for 10 minutes.


Explain the difference between pitch and volume. 

Various answers.
