Force and Motion
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What is matter?
What is anything that has mass & takes up space.
1st law of motion states:
An object in motion will stay in motion, and an object at rest will stay at rest unless an unbalance force acts on it.
Describe the acceleration of a car that is moving in a straight line at constant speed.
NO acceleration
The factor that you manipulate (or change) in an experiment is called:
Independent Variable or Testing Variable
We are able to see the colors that are: A) Reflected & Absorbed B) Absorbed and Refracted C) Reflected & Transmitted D) Scattered & Absorbed
C) Reflected & Transmitted
What is the equation & unit for density?
D = mass/volume (grams/ml OR grams/cm3)
More mass = ____ gravity More distance between the objects = ____ gravity
More mass = MORE gravity More distance between the objects = LESS gravity
Mention one similarity & one difference between speed and velocity.
Similarity-->distance/time (both use the same equation) / Difference-->velocity includes the direction
Heat flows from ____ to ____.
hot to cold.
1- EM Wave with the highest frequency. 2- EM wave with the longest wavelength.
1- Gamma Rays 2- Radio Waves
A nail rusting is an example of what type of change?
Chemical Change
Newton's 3rd Law of motion states that for every action ...
there is an equal an opposite reaction.
Calculate the average speed of a person that crossed a 600 m long street in 5 minutes.
120 m/min
Mention 2 characteristics or facts about friction.
Goes against the movement of the object / produces heat / slows down objects / is a contact force
Where does the light travel the fastest?
The process of a gas changing into a liquid is a physical or chemical change?
Physical (all changes of state are physical)
2 boys are pulling the computer cart in opposite directions. Quantary is pulling to the left with a force of 50 N and Amari is pulling to the right with a force of 55 N. 1- What is the net force? 2- Are the forces balanced or unbalanced? 3- Will the cart move? If so, to which direction?
1- Net Force = 5N 2- Unbalanced 3- Yes, to the right.
A car travels from point A to B in 3 hours. Points A and B are 150 miles apart along a straight highway. What is the average speed of the car?
50 mi/hr
Mention the 3 subatomic particles, their charges, their masses AND their location within the atom.
Proton-->charge +, mass =1, location=nucleus / Neutron--> charge=none, mass =1, location=nucleus / Electron--> charge -, mass =0, location=surrounding the nucleus (electron cloud)
Provide an example that represents Newton's 3rd Law of motion "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction".
Balloon flying as it loses the air / Rocket / Swimmer pushing himself against the wall to move forward / swimmer pulls the water backward with his/her hands to move forward
State of matter with the least inter-molecular attraction.
2 boys are pushing a refrigerator. Boy 1 is pushing to the left with a force of 45 N and Boy 2 is pushing to the left with a force of 32 N. 1- What is the net force? 2- Are the forces balanced or unbalanced? 3- Will the refrigerator move? If so, to which direction?
1- Net Force = 77 N 2- The forces are unbalanced 3- Yes, to the left.
What does a flat line means in 1- a distance vs time graph 2- a speed vs time graph?
1- Not moving (object stopped) / 2- constant speed (speed is not changing).
Jane is investigating to find out if bean plants grow taller in ordinary topsoil or special potting soil over. She made observations over a three week period. She sets up her investigation with 10 bean plants of equal size in each type of soil. Mention 2 constants.
Same type of plant (bean plants), same size, amount of soil, amount of sunlight, amount of water, pot size and type, etc.
Jane is investigating to find out if bean plants grow taller in ordinary topsoil or special potting soil over. She made observations over a three week period. She sets up her investigation with 10 bean plants of equal size in each type of soil. Mention the independent (testing) variable AND the dependent (responding) variable.
Independent=Type of soil (top soil or special potting soil) / Dependent= plant growth (height)