One of the first people to state that matter is made up of atoms was this man.
Who is Democritus?
Almost all of the mass of an atom is located in its ______.
What is nucleus?
Elements in a group have similar properties because they have the _____ number of valence electrons.
What is same?
When the highest occupied enery level of an atom is filled with electrons, the atom is _______, and not likely to react.
What is stable?
Dalton's model of an atom is best described as a ______ sphere.
What is solid?
Which particle is the least massive? (proton, electron, or neutron)
What is electron?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY! Copper is an example of this kind of metal.
What is transition?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY! An atom that has a net positive or negative electric charge is called an ___.
What is an ion?
This scientist provided thet first evidence that atoms contain subatomic particles.
Who is Thomson?
The number of neutrons in an atom equals the mass number (protons+neutrons) minus the __________.
What is atomic number? (# of protons as well as # of electrons)
These metals are the most reactive.
What is alkali metals?
All atoms of an element have the same _____ ______.
What is the atomic number? (which is the # of protons and also the # of electrons)
Atoms emit energy as light when some electrons move to _________ energy levels.
What is lower energy levels?
In this type of chemical bond, two atoms share a pair of valence electrons.
What is covalent?
A electron is a particle with a ______ charge, found _______ the nucleus.
What is negative, outside?