Newton's Laws and Forces
Mechanical Energy

What is the charge of an electron?

What is the charge of a proton?

What is the charge of a neutron?

Electron = Negative Charge

Proton = Positive Charge

Neutron = No Charge or Neutral Charge


Without using the word "acceleration", explain what an acceleration of 21 m/s/s means.

The velocity increases 21 m/s every one second.


An astronaut has a mass of 75 kg on the earth. The acceleration due to gravity on the moon is 1.63 m/s/s. 

a) What is her mass on the moon? 

b) What is her weight on the moon?

a) 75 kg b) 122 N


How much work is done: 

a) when a 500 N boy carries a 0.85 N ball 38 m? 

b) if a car stops in 30 m by applying 600 N of force?

c) when you push a 20,000N car with 250 N of force and it doesn't move?

a) 0 J b) 18,000J c) 0 J


List at least 3 things characteristics of the universe in the first second after The Big Bang.

very hot, very dense, violent, speck of pure energy, expanding rapidly


This atom has an atomic number of 16. a) what element is it? b) how many valence electrons does it have? 

a)Sulfur  b) 6


Write the equation of the line for a Position depends on Time graph for a toy car with a y-intercept of 65 m and a slope of -9 m/s.



Describe Newton's First Law with 

a) velocity b) forces 

Describe Newton's Second Law with 

d) velocity e) forces 

a) velocity is constant or 0 m/s

b) forces are balanced

d) velocity is changing (increasing or decreasing)

e) forces are not balanced


a) If a 0.55 kg ball is dropped with negligible resistance from 6.3 meters with 34 J of PE, how much KE will it have at the bottom of the cliff? 

a) 34 J 


a) What is happening on the main sequence of the H-R diagram? 

b) What could a Main Sequence star become next? 

c) What determines which star it becomes next?

a)Hydrogen is fusing (burning) to make Helium and producing energy. 

b) Red Giant or Red Supergiant 

c) mass


The atomic mass of an atom is...

The atomic number of an atom is...

The charge of an atom is...

The total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom.

The total number of protons in the nucleus.  There are always the same number of electrons as there are protons.

Neutral because there are an equal number of positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons.  The neutrons are neutral so they don't affect the charge of the atom.


If the equation of a line is Position=16m/s*time+4m where will the car be after 6 seconds?

100 m


a) What is the mass of a 852.6 N man? 

a) 87 kg 


A 0.40 kg toy truck rolls down a 3.0 meter ramp from a height of 0.8 meters. Calculate the potential energy of the truck at the top of the ramp.

3.136 J


Explain what Hubble's Law tells us about the universe.

The universe is expanding and galaxies further away are moving away faster.


The nucleus of an atom is made up of these two subatomic particles.

Protons and Neutrons


The equation of a line is Position=-2m/s*time+40m a) Where did the car start?

b) What direction did the car go in?

c) What was the speed of the car?

a) at 40 m b) negative (or left) c) 2 m/s


Describe Newton's Second Law. 

A force applied to a mass will cause it to accelerate. (F=ma)


Calculate the kinetic energy of a 16 kg rock rolling with a velocity of 12 m/s.

1152 J


a) List 3 major characteristics of a Black Hole 


b) explain what happens to something as it is sucked into them.

a) powered by gravity, strong but can only pull in things close to their horizon, they can't be seen directly 

b) an object sucked into a black hole will be stretched because gravity closest to the hole is stronger (spaghettification),and have a HUGE weight and HUGE acceleration because of the large gravity

Balance the following equation:

Fe + H2O  --->   Fe3O4  +   H2

3 Fe    +   4 H2O  --->   Fe3O4  +   4 H2


a) If you travel 22 m/s for 12 sec how far did you go? 

b) If you travel 544 m in 68 sec what was your average speed? 

c) If you run 60 m at 3 m/s how much time did it take?

a) 264 m b) 8 m/s c) 20 sec


A 5000 N piano is lifted by a crane with a chain with a force of 6500N. Calculate the piano’s acceleration.

2.94 m/s/s


What is the velocity of a 36 kg dog running with 648 J of kinetic energy?

6 m/s


Place the following events in the correct order for a small mass star:

a) Protostar

b) Main Sequence

c) White Dwarf

d) Planetary Nebula

e) Nebula

f) Red Giant

e) Nebula

a) Protostar

b) Main Sequence

f) Red giant

d) Planetary Nebula

c) White Dwarf
