Name 3 types of heat transfer
Conduction, Convection, Radiation
What is the energy source that drives the water cycle?
The sun
A push or pull on an object is known as a _________.
Physical or chemical change: cutting paper into little pieces
As molecules heat up, do they expand or contract?
Which type of heat transfer is the transfer of heat through direct contact?
Fill in the blank: Surface water that cannot be absorbed into the ground or bodies of water is called ________.
Force that acts on an object when it rubs against another surface or material is known as ________.
Physical or chemical change: rust forming on metal beams
chemical change
What heat transfer is taking place when you touch a stove and feel heat?
What type of heat transfer is when heat is transferred through liquid or gas?
Which will experience more acceleration when the same force is applied: a 10 lb or a 5 lb object?
5 lb object
Physical or chemical change: wood burning and turning to ash
chemical change
When a skydiver jumps out of a plane, what force causes the jumper to move towards the ground?
What type of heat transfer is happening when you feel warm when you're out in the sun?
As liquid water receives heat energy, it turns into a gas called __________ and evaporates.
Water vapor
How much matter makes up an object is known as ________.
Physical or chemical change: Ice melting to water
Physical Change
Good conductor or good insulator: metal
Good conductor
What heat transfer process allows ocean currents to move heat around the whole globe?
Name 4 different types of precipitation
rain, sleet, hail, snow, mist
What are two pieces of information that you need to know to determine the speed of an object?
Time and distance
Pedro makes a garden bed on a hot summer morning. Then, he covers it with a sheet of plastic that covers the whole garden bed. At the end of the day he notices that the plastic now extends two inches further than it did when he placed it that morning. What has caused the plastic to expand?
heat (from the sun)