Newton's Laws and Forces
Earth Science and Electricity
List two ways to find the volume of an object.
What is displacement and measuring with a ruler?
Explain an acceleration of 28 m/s/s means.
What is the speed increases 28 m/s every second?
What happens to an astronauts weight and mass as she travels from the earth to the moon?
What is the mass is the same but the weight will decrease because the moon has less gravity?
If a toy truck has 12 J of potential energy at the top of a frictionless ramp how much kinetic energy will it have at the bottom of the ramp?
12 J
Why didn't the note card fall down when the cup of water was turned upside down?
What is because the upward force of air is greater than the downward forces?
Explain what happens to the matter in a log when it is burned.
Some of it is transformed into ash and smoke and light and heat, but the total amount of matter and energy doesn't change.
Write an equation of the line for a Position depends on Time graph with a y-intercept of -14 m and a slope of 8 m/s.
What is position=8m/s*time-14m?
Describe Newton's Second Law with forces, velocity and acceleration.
What is forces are unbalanced, velocity is changing and acceleration is not zero?
What is the velocity of a 32 kg dog running with a 5600 J of kinetic energy?
What is 18 m/s?
Explain Hubble's Law.
What is the universe is expanding and galaxies further away are moving away faster?
What is the density of an 80 gram stone with a volume of 4 cm^3?
What is 20 g/cm^3?
Position=16m/s*time+4m Where will the car be after 6 seconds?
What is 100 m?
Describe Newton's First Law with forces, velocity and acceleration.
What is forces are balanced, velocity is constant or zero and acceleration is zero?
A .93 kg toy truck rolls down a 2.09 meter ramp from a height of .65 meters. Calculate the potential energy of the truck at the top of the ramp.
What is 5.9 J?
List 3 things that were happening right after the "Big Bang" according to the Big Bang Theory.
What is there was infinite density, violence (or heat) , and rapid expansion?
Gold has a density of 19.3 g/cm^3 and nickel has a density of 7.81 g/cm^3. The two metals have the same mass. Which has a larger volume and why?
What is nickel because it has a lower density, because density and volume are indirectly proportional?
Position=-2m/s*time+40m What is the velocity of the object?
What is 2 m/s in the negative direction?
Describe Newton's Third Law?
What is forces between 2 objects are always equal but in opposite directions.
What is work done be friction if PE at the top of a ramp is 5.6 J and the KE at the bottom of the ramp is 3.4 J?
What is 2.2 J ?
Explain why we use parallel circuits in our buildings instead of series circuits.
What is because parallel circuits allow everything to work the way they were designed because it allows more current when more devices are turned on.
Two clay balls are of equal size, shape and weight. One is flattened. What happens to the mass, weight and shape?
What is the mass and weight are the same but the shape of the flattened one has been changed?
A car is traveled 45 m in 9 seconds. What is the speed?
What is 5 m/s?
What is the momentum of a 128 kg rock rolling down a cliff at 12 m/s?
What is 1536 kgm/s?
What is the force on a box if the work done was 360 J and the box moved a distance of 5 m.
What is 72 N?
How do you find the direction of a magnetic field created by a permanent magnet?
What is the direction the NORTH end of the compass points.