Newton's Laws and Forces
Earth Science and Electricity
How do you find the mass of a liquid? of an object.
What is put the container on balance, "zero" balance, add liquid.
Explain an acceleration of 42 m/s/s means.
What is the speed increases 42 m/s every second?
A book has a mass of 2.7 kg on Earth, what is its mass on the moon? Why?
What is 2.7 kg, mass doesn't change just because of location.
If a ball has 56 Joules of potential energy before it is released how much kinetic energy will it have before it hits the ground? Assume friction is negligible.
What is 56 Joules?
Held the notecard on the cup of water after it was turned upside down.
What is the force of the air under the card?
Two objects with the same mass are lowered into water, why does one float and the other sink?
What is the one that floats is less dense than the one that sinks.
Write an equation of the line for a Position depends on Time graph with a y-intercept of 7 m and a slope of -5 m/s.
What is position=-5m/s*time+ 7m?
An child has a mass of 37 kg. What is her weight?
What is 362 Newtons.
A toy truck pushes a block .85 meters with a force of 5.2 Newtons. How much work was done on the block?
What is 18 m/s?
When a positively charged object is brought close to a positively charged object.
What is they repel?
What is the density of an 118 gram stone with a volume of 3.5 mL?
What is 33.7 g/mL?
Position=5m/s*time-4m Where will the car be after 8 seconds?
What is 36 m?
What is the mass of an object that has a weight of 10731 Newtons?
What is 1095 kg.
A 3.7 kg toy truck rolls down a 1.43 meter ramp from a height of .56 meters. Calculate the potential energy of the truck at the top of the ramp.
What is 20.3 J?
When a positively charged object is brought close to a negatively charged object.
What is they attract?
Gold has a density of 19.3 g/cm^3 and nickel has a density of 7.81 g/cm^3. The two metals have the same volume. Which has a larger mass and why?
What is gold because it has a higher density and mass and density are directly proportional? If density is larger then mass has to be larger for same volume?
Position=-8m/s*time+16m Where did the object start?
What is 16 meters in the positive direction?
If a 125 Newton object is lifted with 324 Newtons what is the unbalanced force on the object?
What is 199 Newtons?
What is the kinetic energy of 52 kg girl driving at 18 m/sec?
What is 8424 J ?
The brightness of the bulbs and the current in a series circuit when more bulbs are added.
What is the brightness of the bulbs decreases and the current decreases?
There are 2 samples of silver. One has a mass of 15 grams and the other has a mass of 30 grams. Which one is more dense? Why?
What is the density is the same because they are both silver and density doesn't change because you have more mass.
A car traveled 45 m/s for 18 seconds. How far did it travel?
What is 810 meters?
A 4000 N piano has a mass of 408 kg. What is its acceleration if it is being lifted with a force of 5200 Newtons?
What is 2.94 m/s/s?
What is the velocity of a 30 kg dog with 183.75 J of kinetic energy.
What is 3.5 m/s?
The brightness of the bulbs and the current in a parallel circuit when more bulbs are added.
What is the brightness stays the same and the current increases?