A small "package" of light that acts like a particle
James Clerk Maxwell
Like charges ______ one another.
If you were to use a positively charged rod to change an object by conduction, what charge will the object have?
The object will be positively charged
Is it possible to make a magnet from something that is not a magnet? Yes or no?
Yes, it possible.
If the material responds strongly enough to a magnet, you can align its atoms and make a magnet.
The ability of a material to impede the flow of charge
Draw on the board the conventional current flow with a solid line.
Answer on board.
Opposite charges ________ one another.
If you want to give an object a positive charge but the only source of charge you have is negative, how would you charge the object?
You would charge by induction.
Induction gives you the charge opposite to what you are using.
In most chandeliers today, when one light bulb goes out, the rest stay lit. Are the light bulbs wired in a series or in a parallel?
The light bulbs are wired in parallel.
A circuit that does not have a complete connection between the two sides of the power source. As a result, current does not flow.
Draw on the board the flow of electrons with a dotted line.
Answer on board.
For diagram a. on the board, use a black arrow to point out the direction of the force exerted on the red ball by the black ball and draw a red arrow to indicate the direction of the force exerted on the black ball by the red ball.
answer on board
If you were to use a positively charged rod to charge an object by induction, what charge will the object have?
The object will be negatively charged.
You have two wires. One is long and the other is short. Other than that, they are identical. Which has more resistance? The longer wire or the short wire?
The longer wire has more resistance.
The longer the wire, the more chances the electrons have for colliding with atoms within the wire.
The amount of charge that travels past a fixed point in an electric circuit each second
Electrical current
Two charged particles are placed 10 cm from each other and the resulting force is measured. The charge on object #1 is then doubled and the charge on object #2 is left the same. Also, the distance between the objects is reduced to 2 cm. How does the new force compare to the old force?
2x25=50 times stronger than the old one
For diagram b. on the board, use a black arrow to point out the direction of the force exerted on the red ball by the black ball and draw a red arrow to indicate the direction of the force exerted on the black ball by the red ball.
answer on the board
Charging an object without direct contact between the object and a charge
Charging by induction
The atoms in an object are not aligned. Is the object a magnet or not a magnet.
The object is not a magnet.
Current that flow from the positive side of the battery to the negative side. This is the way current is drawn in circuit diagrams, even though it is wrong.
Conventional current
The force between the south pole of one magnet and the north pole of another magnet is measured. If the distance between those magnets is suddenly doubled, how will the new force compare with the old one? Is the force attractive or repulsive?
Doubled=2, distance is always squared=4
if you multiply on one side you divide on the other, so it decreased.
What causes the electromagnetic force?
The exchange of photons
Charging an object by allowing it to come into contact with an object that already has an electric charge
Charging by conduction
You are blindfolded and handed two extension cords of equal length. Both have the same current running through them. If the cord in your left hand is warmer that the cord in your right hand, which cord is thinker? Left hand or right hand?
The cord in your right hand is thicker.
The thicker the cord, the lower the resistance. The lower the resistance, the less heat will be made.