newton laws
projectile protection
1 dimensional motion
Work, energy, and power

Kids were playing with balls which are of equal mass. They kicked them with different forces. Which one accelerated more?

Red ball – 10N   Blue ball – 3N  Yellow ball - 5N

Red ball since force and acceleration are directly related 


As friction increases, what happens to momentum?

It decreases


Any object thrown into space upon which the only acting force is gravity is known as



Which of the following best defines distance?

The total amount of ground covered by an object


The horizontal acceleration of a projectile is ALWAYS?



A man is whirling a 0.5 kg ball on a 1.0 m long string at 2 m/s.  What is true about the force on the ball?

It pushes forward, tangent to the circle


When will the momentum of an isolated system remain conserved?

external force on the system is zero


A ball is kicked with an initial velocity of 12m/s at angle of 50° to the horizontal.

 How long will the ball stay in the air (assume it strikes the ground at the same height it was launched)



If an object has a constant velocity, what can be said about its acceleration?

The acceleration is zero


What is an object's change in momentum equal to?

the impulse acting on the object


A student is drawing a free body diagram for the following scenario: "A penguin accelerates by sliding down an icy hill on its belly."

What else should her drawing include and why?

It should include an arrow pointing upward, perpendicular to the ramp, because the normal force represents the support force of the surface.


What is the kinetic energy of a 60 kg man running at 8 m/s?


K=1/2 x 60kg x(8m/s)^2


Path taken by a projectile is known as

Projectile motion


Which of the following represents the relationship between velocity and time for an object moving with constant acceleration?

A linear graph  a parabolic graph  a linear graph

A linear graph


A stunt person jumps from the roof of a tall building, but no injury  occurs because the person lands on a large, air-filled bag. Which  one of the following BEST describes why no injury occurs?

The bag provides the necessary force to stop the person


There is a force F acting on an object of mass m, which has an acceleration a. If the mass is doubled and the force is reduced by a factor of four, what is the acceleration of the new object?

a= 1/8


A student hits a hockey puck with a hockey stick and the puck speeds up.  Another student claims that the student broke the Law of Conservation of  Momentum because the puck gained momentum.  

Which of these is the BEST explanation of why the Law is not  broken in this closed system?

The hockey stick loses as much momentum as the puck gained.


In a Projectile Motion, the simultaneous independent rectilinear motions are

Along x and y axis 


Can an object's average velocity equal zero when object's speed is greater than zero?

Yes, when the object moves in a straight line at a constant rate


Which is more work, pushing with 115N over 15m or lifting 20kg 10m?

W=F x D

115n x 15m= 1725j        20n x 10m=200j

Pushing with 115N over 15m is more work.


What happens according to Newton if you let an untied balloon go?

3rd Law

Air will rush out of the balloon forcing the balloon to move through the air in

the opposite direction, but equal in force.


A large, moving truck crashes into a small parked car. How do the  magnitudes of the impulses and the forces on each vehicle  compare during the collision?

The truck experiences equal force and equal impulse


A cannon is fired horizontally from the top of a 30m cliff into the ocean. The initial velocity of the cannon was 1000m/s. How far from the cliff does the cannon ball hit the water?



How tall is a building if a ball dropped from rest takes 9 seconds to hit the ground?

405m tall


if you put 500j into a machine but only get 400j out, how efficient is the machine?

(400j/500j) x 100 =80%
