Projectile Motion
Pot Luck
represented by the slope of a displacement vs. time graph
What is velocity?
the value of free fall acceleration
What is -9.81 m/s^2?

A motorcycle speeds horizontally off a 50m high cliff. How long is the motorcycle falling?

3.194 s


the velocity of Huy snowboarding when he travels 50 meters to the right and then 20 meters to the left in 30 minutes

What is 1 meter/minute? (Huy is displaced 30 meters to the right, so 30/30=1.)


I drive 120 miles in my car round trip from my house to school and back. It takes me two hours to drive this distance. What is my velocity?

What is zero? (No displacement means no velocity since velocity is displacement/time.)

represented by the slope of a velocity vs. time graph
What is acceleration?

Double Jeopardy...Make your wager! the acceleration represented by a position-time graph with a slope of +5

What is zero? (The slope on a p-t graph represents velocity. If velocity is constant, there isn't acceleration!)


A football is kicked with an initial velocity of 20 m/s at an angle of 37 degrees. How long is it in the air?

2.45 s


A lightning bug flies at a velocity of .75 m/s due east toward another lightning bug seen off in the distance. A light breeze from the east blows the bug at a velocity of 0.75 m/s. This is the resultant velocity of the lightning bug...

What is 0 m/s?


Draw the resulstant displacement vector of a man that walks 30 m at 25 degrees and then turns and walk 40 m at 270 degrees.

53.9 m

the description of velocity represented by a straight line parallel with the x-axis in a position vs. time graph
What is zero?
the sign representing acceleration of a car that is increasing its velocity in the negative direction
What is negative?

A balloon launcher fires balloons with an initial velocity of 25 m/s at an angle of 38 degrees. How far away does it land?

61.8 m (t=3.14)


the average velocity in m/s of batman when he free falls 1 km in 10 seconds

What is 100 m/s?


the direction only of the resultant vector of traveling 40 miles north and then 20 miles west -- 27 degrees west of north or 63 degrees west of north

What is a 27 degrees west of north? (It is closer to the north value since it is larger in magnitude/size! It is also 63 degrees north of west. Notice the difference. It is slight.)

represented by the area under a velocity vs. time graph
What is displacement?
the sign of acceleration of a car decreasing its velocity in the negative direction
What is positive?

You shoot a cannon horizontally from a height of 196 m. The cannonball is projected horizontally at 8.5 m/s. How far away does the cannonball land?

53.7 m (t=6.32)


the resultant(total) velocity in m/s of Bang when he flies east at 5m/s but a wind current also pushes him north at 2.5m/s

What is 5.6m/s [E27*N]?


A man walks 50 m at 225 degrees and then turns and walks 20 m at 315 degrees. What is his displacement?

53.9 m

represented by the area under an acceleration-time graph
What is the change in velocity?

the average acceleration of Gioi when he jumps onto a slippery tile floor with a velocity of 10 m/s and skids to a full stop 2 seconds later

What is -5 m/s^2? (average velocity is final minus initial over time, so it is 0 - 10 divided by 2)


A football is kicked with an initial velocity of 20 m/s at an angle of 37 degrees. What is the maximum height of the ball?

7.38 m (t=2.45)


the resultant(total) velocity of a boat traveling 15m/s[E24*N] on a river that has a current moving 2.7m/s[W]

what is 12.6m/s[E29*N]


Double Jeopardy -- Make your wager! An ant’s directional displacement (this means both magnitude and direction) relative to his original position when he travels 15 cm eastward and then 25 cm northward

What is 29 cm at 59° north of east?
