Kinematics Formulas
Projectile Motion
Circular Motion, Work, and Energy
Oscillatory Motion and Waves

The rate of change of speed in a given time period. 

What is Acceleration


This quantity has both a magnitude and a direction. 

What is a vector quantity


For every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction. 

What is Newton's Third Law


The net force that acts on an object to keep it moving in a circular path. 

What is centripetal force 


A repetitive back and forth motion. 

What is oscillatory motion


If an airplane is flying at 900 km/h W, how long will it take the airplane to travel 400 km? Report your answer in minutes.

26.7 minutes


A wagon is being pulled by a rope that makes a 25° angle with the ground. The person is pulling with a force of 103 N along the rope. Determine the horizontal and vertical components of the force vector. 

adj (Fx) = 93 N 

opp (Fy) = 44 N


A 15.0 kg object is resting on a surface. What is the normal force acting on the object?

FN = 147 N


The propellor of a toy airplane rotates at 300 rpm. What is its frequency in hertz?

f = 5.00 Hz


When a mass on a spring or pendulum is moved to a maximum displacement from the equilibrium position, the mass has

What is maximum potential energy


A rock is thrown downwards with a velocity of 3.0 m/s from a height of 6.80 m. Determine how long the rock is in the air. 

t = 0.91 s


A car drives 10.0 km [E] and then 7.00 km [N]. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the displacement

displacement = 12.2 km, 35° N of E


A surface has a coefficient of friction of 0.12. What is the force of friction that would act on a 9.0 kg object?

Ff = 11 N


A propellor blade has a period of 0.400 s. What is the speed of the outer tip of the propellor blade if the tip is 1.20 m from the hub?

v = 18.8 m/s 


When an ambulance moves towards you the sirens amplitude increases, and as the ambulance drives away from you the amplitude decreases. This phenomena is known as... 

What is the Doppler Effect 


An object accelerates uniformly at a rate of 0.900 m/s2 [S]. The object reaches a velocity of 25.0 m/s [S] while its displacement was 37.0 m [S]. What was the initial velocity of the object 

23.6 m/s [S] 


A bowling ball is thrown horizontally at a velocity of 0.80 m/s from the top of a ladder that is 2.5 m high. 

A) How long does it take the bowling ball to reach the ground below. 

B) How far from the base of the ladder does the bowling ball hit the ground?

A) t = 0.71 s 

B) dx = 0.57 m 


Mars has a mass of 6.42x1023 kg, and a radius of 3.38x106 m. 

A) Determine the force of gravity on Mars. 

B) Determine the weight of a 60.0 kg person on Mars. 

A) g = 3.75 m/s2

B) Weight (Fg) = 225 N


What minimum speed must a toy car have to move successfully through a vertical loop that has a diameter of 30.0 cm. 

v = 1.21 m/s 


A spring has a spring constant of 30.0 N/m. The spring is pulled to a distance of 1.50 m from the equilibrium position. What is the restoring force?

Fs = -45.0 N


A bus travels [W] through the Rocky Mountains at 85.0 km/h for 4.0 h and then [E] at 70.0 km/h for 3.5 h. What is the average velocity of the bus?

13 km/h [W]


A soccer ball is kicked at an angle of 40° at a velocity of 20 m/s. 

A) How high will it go?

B) How long will it spend in the air? 

C) How far horizontally will the ball travel?

A) dy = 8.4 m 

B) t = 2.6 s

C) dx = 40 m


You are travelling in your car on icy roads at a velocity of 22.0 m/s [N] when you slam on your brakes. The force of friction on your car tires is -1.75x102 N. If the mass of you and your car is 1 500 kg, how far do you skid before coming to a stop? Report your answer in km. 

d = 2.07 km [N]


A fridge is pushed up an inclined plane by a force parallel to the plane. The fridge has a mass of 120 kg, At the foot of the incline, the fridge is moving 1.40 m/s. At the top of the incline, 1.05 m above the base of the incline, the fridge is moving 0.35 m/s. What is the work done on the fridge as it is pushed up the incline?

W = 1.1x103 J


A 100 g spring hangs from the roof of a physics lab. Determine the spring constant "k" if the spring stretches 50 cm when released. 

K = -2.0 N/m 
