Electric boogaloo
A reminder for Joey to explain the first three categories

This is how many components any vector will always consist of. Bonus 100 points if you can name each component. 

What is 2?


This is the name for motion when an object is affected only by gravity.

What is projectile motion?


This is how much farther the moon would have to be from the earth in order for it to experience four times of it's current gravitational pull.

What is half as far?


You are once again trying to invent a time machine. You have a grandfather clock with an adjustable pendulum length. In order to make time speed up, you change the length of the pendulum in this way.

What is shorten?


This is the name of the drawing used to represent all forces acting on an object. It's used to help calculate net forces and equilibrium. Acceleration is NEVER on one of these.

What is a free body diagram?

These are the four fundamental forces of nature. (200 points each).

What is Gravity, the Electromagnetic force, the weak nuclear force, and the strong nuclear force?


This is the type of energy that is created by the friction force. Is it the type of energy that all energy will eventually turn into.

What is heat?


This is the color that objects turn when moving towards from the frame of reference.

What is blue?


This is the name for motions that does not involve moving closer to or farther from the point of rotation. It also means the tangential velocity of an object is constant.

What is uniform circular motion?

This is how the graphs of position, velocity, and acceleration are related. (There is no single answer, just explain it in the way you understand it.)

What is Joey's opinion of your response?


This type of collision involves objects not sticking together.

What is an elastic collision?


This is the property of an object that keeps it in motion while no other forces are acting upon it.

What is inertia?


This is the name of the velocity that determines the direction that an object will travel when released from the force causing it to be in circular motion.

What is tangential velocity?


This component of an object's speed does not change during the path of ideal projectile motion.

What is the X-component? / What is the horizontal component?


This is the property that explains why a disc rolls faster than a ring with the same mass and outer radius down a directionless slope. This property also explains why it is harder to push a bowling ball than a soccer ball full of water.

What is the moment of inertia? (I=MR2, so the farther mass is from the center of mass, the harder it is to spin.)


This is the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a standard, usually water for a liquid or solid, and air for a gas. This was calculated in one of your labs.

What is specific gravity?


This is a force that does not depend on the path taken. Meaning, it does not change no matter what path an object takes. Bonus 100 points if you give an example!

What is a conservative force? (Examples include gravity and restoring force.)


A puck is spinning around on a table in uniform circular motion on a frctionless table. The puck is attached to a string, which goes through a hole and carries a hanging weight beneath the table. THIS is a list of all of the force acting on the block.

What is gravity, normal force, and tension?


This modulus is a measurement of how resistant an object is to deformation. This is the only meaningful modulus in a fluid. 

What is the bulk modulus?


This is how large particles are assumed to be in ideal gas physics.

What is negligibly small?