Newton's Law of Motion
Uniform Circular Motion
Work and Energy

Galileo’s specific contribution to our understanding of the motion of falling objects can be summarized as follows: “at a given location on the Earth and in the absence of air resistance, all objects fall with the same constant acceleration," what is this acceleration?

Acceleration due to gravity


To add vectors using the method of components, we need to use the.. 

Trigonometric functions sine, cosine, and tangent,


In his great work, the Principia (published in 1687), Newton states that every object continues in its state of rest, or of uniform velocity in a straight line, as long as no net force acts on it. What is this concept called or known as? 

Inertia, Law of Inertia, or Newton's First Law of Motion


An object whose instantaneous velocity is tangential to its curved path and is perpendicular to its instantaneous acceleration is said to experience ____________.

Uniform Circular Motion


In translational motion of rigid-body objects, a term is defined as the product of the magnitude of the displacement times the component of the force parallel to the displacement. What is this term and how can we express this mathematically?

Work, W = F_||*D or W = F*D*cos(θ)


Name a kinematic equation that does not have acceleration as part of the equation

x = ½ (Vi + Vf)t


What is the difference between a scalar and a vector?

A scalar is a magnitude and vector is magnitude and direction


This term is synonymous with “quantity of matter” but this is not very well defined. Instead, it’s precisely defined as a measure of the inertia of an object.



A common misconception when an object moves in a circular path is people often describe feeling an outward force acting on it, what is the name of this “force.” 

Centrifugal Force


What is the process of multiplying two vectors to get a scalar quantity?

Dot Product


Tell me the 3 Kinematics equations with acceleration as part of the equation. 

V = Vi + at , x = Vi t + ½ at^2, vf^2 = vi^2 + 2ax


If Vx  = 9.80 Units and Vy = -6.40 units. determine the magnitude and direction of V. 

11.70 units. -33.1 degrees


Estimate the net force needed to accelerate a 1000-kg car at 1/2 g; Assume g=10m/s^2.



Estimate the force a person must exert on a string attached to a 0.150-kg ball to make the ball revolve in a horizontal circle of radius 0.600 m. The ball makes 2.00 revolutions per second (T = 0.500 s), ignore the string’s mass.



The force shown in Fig. 797 has magnitude F_P = 20 N and makes an angle θ = 30° to the ground. Calculate the work done when the wagon is dragged 100 m along the ground.



The position vector of a particle as a function of time is r(t) = [(5.0 m/s)t+(14.0 m/s2)t^2] i + [(7.0 m/s)t+(9.0 m/s^2)t^2] j. What is the magnitude of the instantaneous acceleration at t = 3.0 s?

33.3 m/s^2


The components of vector A are Ax = +2.2 and Ay = -4.2, and the components of vector B are Bx= -6.1 and By= -3.2. What is the magnitude of the vector B - A?



Three blocks are connected by massless, unstretchable strings. Block C is then pulled by an external force as shown in the figure. If mA = mB = m, and mC = 10m, find the tension T in the rope connecting blocks B and C.



At what minimum speed must a roller coaster be traveling when upside down at the top of a circle so that the passengers do not fall out? Assume the circular track has a radius of curvature of 8.8 m.

9.29 m/s


A person pulls on the spring in the Figure, stretching it 3.0 cm (= xmax), which requires a maximum force of 75 N. How much work does the person do? 



 A car undergoing uniform acceleration of magnitude a = 4 m/s^2 is traveling at a velocity of 40 m/s to the right as it enters a tunnel. When the car exits the tunnel, its velocity is 76 m/s in the same direction. What is the magnitude of the average velocity of the car while it is in the tunnel

58 m/s


You walk 4 km east and then 5 km heading 70º north of east. After these two moves, how far are you from your original starting point?

 7.39 km


A uniformly dense beam of weight W is affixed to a wall by a frictionless hinge and a massless horizontal cable that has tension T. The beam is in static equilibrium and makes an angle θ = 54.46° with the wall. What is the ratio T/W?



A 0.150-kg ball on the end of a 1.10-m-long cord (negligible mass) is swung in a vertical circle. (a) Determine the minimum speed the ball must have at the top of its arc so that the ball continues moving in a circle. (b) Calculate the tension in the cord at the bottom of the arc, assuming the ball is moving at twice the speed of part (a).

(a) 3.283 m/s, (b) 7.35 N.


 An applied force pushes a 600-kg box along a horizontal road. The box starts from rest. When the work done by the applied force is 72 kJ, and the work done by kinetic friction is -70 kJ what is the speed of the box?

 2.58 m/s
