Waves, Optics and Interference
Thermal Physics
At the maximum height for a projectile the vertical acceleration is this
What is -9.8m/s2
This is the magnification and mirror/thin lens equation
What is M=-di/do and 1/f=1/do+1/di
This is the formula for the root mean square speed of a molecule in a gas
What is v= root [3kT/m]
These are two different formulas to solve for electric force
What is 1. F=kqq/r2 2. F=qE
Name two experiments that showed light had wavelike properties
What is double slit diffraction thin film anything with interference
These are Kepler's three laws
What is 1.Ellipses with sun as focus 2. equal areas in equal times 3. R3/T2=constant
This is the equation that describes light passing through a double slit
What is n (lambda)=dsin(theta)
Efficiency tells you this (in words) about an engine
What is the amount of useful energy/power/work that you get out compared to the amount you put in
This is the description of how you use both right hand rules
What is 1. thumb v, index B, middle F 2. thumb I, fingers B or thumb B, fingers I
Name two experiments that showed light had particle like properties
What is 1. photoelectric 2. compton scattering
These are 3 different formulas for work
What is 1. Fdcos(theta) 2. delta KE 3. mgh 4. q delta V
For single slit diffraction, the formula you use is the same, but this is the difference.
What is the n values give you destructive points instead of constructive (except n=0)
On a PV diagram, if you start and end at the same point these are 2 things you can say for sure
What is 1. The change in internal energy is 0 2. The change in temperature is 0 3. Work done on gas = heat expelled by gas
This is the difference between charge, electric field, electric force, electric potential and voltage
What is charge is property of how much interaction, field created by charge, force between two charges, electric potential created by charge, voltage difference in potential
When told a 10eV photon hits an electron in an energy level inside an atom, the photon will be absorbed if this is true
What is the difference in energy levels is 10eV, or work function is less than 10eV
Name four graphs in which the area represents something meaningful, and what the area represents for each one
What is 1. v vs. t (displacement 2. a vs. t (change in velocity) 3. F vs. t (impulse) 4. F vs. x (Work) 5. P vs V (Work)
Name the two types of waves, define them, and give two examples of each
Longitudinal (sound, slinky) medium oscillated in same direction as motion and Transverse (light, water) medium oscillates perpendicular to motion
The units for thermal conduction in SI units is this
What is Joules/second
This is what capacitance means, its units, and the formula for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor in terms of geometry of plates
What is the amount of charge it can store (per volts), Farads (C/V), and C=eo A/d
These are the three most common types of decay, what is emitted from each, and what happens to Z and A numbers for each
What is 1. Alpha, helium nuclei, Z down by 2 A down by 4 2. beta, electron, Z up by 1 A same 3. gamma, photon, no change
Describe the process you would use when treating a system as a whole (masses tied together by string) and solving for acceleration
What is 1. Consider only external forces that make it go and make it stop 2. sum of forces equals total mass times acceleration
For thin film interference, if the materials are fast, slow, slower, this is the equation that would allow you to solve for the minimum thickness needed for destructive interference
What is 2t=(lambda)/2
For a monatomic gas, this is the equation you can use that you couldn't otherwise use
What is delta U = 3/2 delta (PV)
This is an explanation of the difference between charge, magnetic field, magnetic flux, and induced voltage
What is charge ..., the magnetic field created by current, magnetic flux is field caught by loop of wire area A, and induced voltage is caused when you have a change in magnetic flux
The stopping potential in a photoelectric experiment is this (in words)
What is the amount of voltage you need to stop the electrons emitted from the metal