Vectors (5.1)
Friction (5.2)
Projectile Motion (6.1)
Circular Motion (6.2)
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You can add vectors by placing them ___________.
What is tip-to-tail.
Friction is a force that opposes motion. What do we call friction between two objects when neither object is moving?
What is static friction.
Any object shot through the air is called a _______.
What is a projectile.
This is what we call the movement of an object or particle trajectory at a constant speed around a circle with a fixed radius.
What is uniform circular motion.
A 225-kg crate is pushed horizontally with a force of 710 N. If the coefficient of friction is 0.20, calculate the acceleration of the crate.
What is 1.2 m/s^2
State the Law of Cosines.
What is R^2 = A^2 + B^2 -2ABcos(θ)
True or False? Static friction acts in response to other forces ONLY.
What is True.
An objects path as it is shot through the air is called its ________.
What is trajectory.
For circular motion; the force involved is called the centripetal force and the acceleration involved is called the centripetal acceleration. What does the word centripetal mean?
What is center-seeking.
A car moves 65 km due east, then 45 km due west. What is the total displacement?
What is 20 km east.
Is the distance that you walk equal to the magnitude of your displacement?
Not necessarily; for example, I could walk around the block (1km per side). My displacement would be zero, but the distance that I walked would be 4km.
Please state the equation for calculating kinetic friction.
What is F(friction) = μk*F(normal).
As an object is shot through the air, it travels in a curve. What is the name of this curve (from math class).
What is a parabola.
A 13-g rubber stopper is attached to a 0.93-m string. The stopper is swung in a horizontal circle, making one revolution in 1.18 s. Find the tension force exerted by the string on the stopper. You will need to know the equation for the period of an object, the time needed to make one complete revolution. (v = 2ᴨr/T)
What is F = 0.34 N
You help your mom move a 41-kg bookcase to a different place in the living room. If you push with a force of 65 N and the bookcase accelerates at 0.12 m/s^2, what is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the bookcase and the carpet?
What is 0.15
Given a vector A; break A up into its x and y component vectors.
What is Ax = Acos(θ) and Ay = Asin(θ)
You need to move a 105-kg sofa to a different location in the room. It takes a force of 102 N to start it moving. What is the coefficient of static friction between the sofa and the carpet?
What is 0.0991
True or False. Projectile motion is just the horizontal motion of an object (back and forth movement) added to the vertical motion of an object (up and down movement).
What is True.
A runner moving at a speed of 8.8 m/s rounds a bend with a radius of 25 m. What is the centripetal acceleration of the runner, and what agent exerts force on the runner?
What is 3.1 m/s^2, the frictional force of the track acting on the runner's shoes exerts the force on the runner.
A 1,000-kg car enters an 80.0-m radius curve at 20.0 m/s. What centripetal force must be suppled by friction so the car does not skid?
What is 5,000 N.
You first walk 8.0 km north from home, then walk east until your displacement from home is 10.0 km. How far east did you walk?
What is 6.0 km.
A 1.4-kg block slides across a rough surface such that it slows down with an acceleration of 1.25 m/s^2. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the surface?
What is 0.128
If I drop and ball and throw a ball horizontally at the same time, do they hit the ground at the same time? Why or why not?
Yes they hit the ground at the same time. The only force acting on both objects in the vertical direction is gravity. Both objects will fall downward at the same rate even though one of the objects has an initial horizontal velocity.
A 45-kg merry-go-round worker stands on the ride’s platform 6.3 m from the center. If her speed as she goes around the circle is 4.1 m/s, what is the force of friction necessary to keep her from falling off the platform?
What is 120 N.
A 1.13-kg ball is swung horizontally from a .50-m cord in uniform circular motion at a speed of 2.4 m/s. What is the tension in the cord at the bottom of the ball's motion?
What is 13.02 N.