Linear Motion
Projectile Motion
Newton's Laws
Energy, Work, Power
Mix and Match!
List three possible units of speed.
What are m/s, km/hi, and mi/hr?
Explain the difference between a scalar and a vector
A scalar has only magnitude but a vector has magnitude and direction
State the law of inertia
What is an object in motion stays in motion, and an object at rest stays at rest, unless acted on by an unbalanced force.
An arrow in a bow has 50 J of potential energy. Assuming no loss of energy due to heat, how much kinetic energy will it have after it has been shot?
50 because Conservation of Energy = PE = KE
For a Distance vs. Time graph, what axis is distance plotted on?
Vertical axis (y-axis)
The quantity that a speedometer shows
What is instantaneous velocity?
How are the horizontal and vertical components of velocity related?
What is independent from one another
What types of objects does the law of inertia apply to?
Every object with mass, both moving and at rest.
Suppose a moving car has 4000 J of kinetic energy. If the car's speed doubles, how much kinetic energy would it then have? (Calculate the amount)
KE ∝ v2 22 = 4KE 4 * 4000 J = 16000 J
When do objects accelerate?
FORCES cause accelerations.
How much does the speed for an object in free-fall increase as it falls?
Speed increases by 10 m/s each second
A the instant a ball is thrown horizontally with a large velocity, an identical ball is dropped from the same height. Which ball hits the ground first?
They both hit the ground at the same time
If one object has twice as much mass as the other, what else does it have twice as much of?
What is inertia?
What is potential energy due to?
When an object reaches terminal velocity, what is its acceleration?
What is zero??
A ball is thrown upwards and caught when it comes back down. In the absence of air resistance, the speed of the ball when caught would be ....
What is the same?
A cannonball is fired into the air. In the first second it moves 5 meters horizontally. Assuming it doesn't hit the ground and air resistance is small, how far does it move horizontally in the next second?
What is 5 meters (horizontal velocity is constant)
A tennis ball and a solid steel ball the same size are dropped at the same time. In the absence of air resistance, which ball has the greater acceleration?
Both have the same acceleration; both will hit the ground at the same time.
Is equal to one half the product of an object’s mass times its speed squared.
What is Kinetic Energy?
If the acceleration of an object doubles, what happens to the force?
Since acceleration and force are directly related, if the acceleration doubles…the net force will also double.
the distance covered per unit time how fast something is moving unit of distance divided by unit of time
What is the definition of speed?
A cannonball is launched from the ground at an angle of 30 degrees above the horizontal and a speed of 20 m/s. With what speed will the ball hit the ground?
20 m/s, Horizontal velocity is constant
An unfortunate bug splatters against the windshield of a moving car. Compared to the force of the car on the bug, the force of the bug on the car is ...
What is equal?
What can a pulley system do (two things!)?
change direction of force multiply the force
Your friend says that the heavyweight champion of the world cannot exert a force of 50 N on a piece of tissue paper with his best punch. The tissue paper is held in midair, no wall, no tricks. Do you agree or disagree?
NO it cannot be done because the tissue paper cannot apply the same force.