An Airplane accelerates down a runway at 3.2 m/s^2 for 32.8 seconds until it lifts off the ground. Determine the distance traveled before takeoff

1720 m


Which of the following best describes a perfectly inelastic Collision free of external forces?

A. Total linear momentum is never conserved

B. Total linear momentum is sometimes conserved 

C. Kinetic energy is never conserved 

D. Kinetic energy is always conserved 

C. kinetic energy is never conserved


Who is the author of Winnie The Pooh

A. A. Milne


?- a twisting force that tends to cause rotation.



What is F=ma


The observation deck of a tall skyscraper is 370 m above the street, determine the time required for a penny to free fall from the deck to the street below

t = 8.69 s


In a laboratory experiment, a cart rolling frictionless across a table collides with a sensor that indicates both the net force acting on the cart during the collision and the time over which the collision occurred. Based on only this information, one can calculate:

A. the acceleration of the cart

B. the momentum of the cart

C. the mass of the cart

D. the change in kinetic energy of the cart

E. the change in momentum of the cart

E. the change in momentum of the cart


What year was Fortnite Battle royal released to the public?



What is the formula for calculating the torque exerted by a force on an object?

Torque = r * F = r * F * sin(theta)


What is the acceleration due to gravity at Earth's Surface?

What is 9.8 m/s^2


A plane has a takeoff speed of 88.3 m/s and requires 1365m to reach that speed. Determine both

a: the acceleration of the plane

b: the time required to reach the speed

a: a = 2.86 m/s

b: t = 30.8 s


A soccer ball is rolling along a field with a speed +v initial when a student runs up and kicks the ball in the same direction that it was traveling so that it now has a greater speed in the same direction, + V final • Adan wants you to take measurements that will allow you to calculate a rough estimate of the impulse applied to the ball by the student's foot.

Which measurements would you want to make so that you could calculate this impulse?

I. The distances and times the ball traveled, both before and after the kick 

Il. The mass of the ball

III. The Force applied to the ball

IV. The time that the foot and the ball were in contact

I and II


Which Pixar movie is Remy from!?!?!?



How does the rotational inertia change when the mass of an object is doubled?

The rotational inertia also doubles when the mass of an object is doubled.


What is air friction called?

What is Drag


A bullet is moving at the speed of 367 m/s when it embeds into a lump of moist clay, the bullet penetrates for a distance of 0.0621 m. Find the acceleration of the bullet while moving into the clay. 

a = -1.08*10^6


a fisherman is standing in the back of his small fishing boat (the mass of the fisherman is the same as the mass of the boat) and he is a few meters from shore. He is tired of fishing se he starts walking towards the shore so he can get off the boat. What happens to the boat and the fisherman? Assume there is no friction between the boat and the water (TWO CORRECT ANSWERS)

a. the fisherman gets closer to the shore

b. the fisherman gets further away from the shore

c. the center of mass of the boat/fisherman system moves towards the shore

d. the center of mass of the boat/fisherman system do not move

a. the fisherman gets closer to the shore

d. the center of mass of the boat/fisherman system do not move


What was Tony's favorite Minecraft YouTube in 2014?



 What is the rotational equivalent of Newton's first law of motion?

The rotational equivalent of Newton's first law of motion is the law of inertia, which states that an object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same angular velocity unless acted upon by an external torque.


Raul has a mass of 181437g and is standing still on a level floor. What is the normal force Raul experiences assuming up is positive?

What is 1778.08N


It was recorded that jaguars left skid marks that were 290 m in length. Assuming that the jaguar skidded to a stop with a constant acceleration of -3.90 m/s^2, determine the speed of the jaguar before it began to skid

47.6 m/s


What two values are needed to find momentum?

Mass and Velocity


In Minecraft, how do you create a 4 minute weakness potion?

Neither wart-> Fermented Spider eye -> Redstone 


Question: What happens to the angular velocity of a rotating object when its moment of inertia decreases?

 According to the conservation of angular momentum, when the moment of inertia decreases, the angular velocity of the object increases.


A force of 250 N is applied to an object that accelerates at a rate of 5 m/sec2.  What is the mass of the object?

