Physics As Science
Motion in One Dimension
Two Dimensional Motion & Vectors
Forces & Newton's Laws
number of variables tested in a legitimate, valid experiment
What is 1
if a scooter has negative acceleration, describe its speed
What is slowing down
sum of 2 or more vectors
What is resultant?
name a situation where the net force of a car is zero--besides being at rest and turned off
What is maintaining constant speed and not changing direction
what kind of collision occurs when a tennis ball hits the ground
What is inelastic collision
SI unit of length
What is the meter?
what is the displacement of a dog that walks 1 block north, 3 blocks east, 2 blocks south and 3 blocks west?
What is 1 block south
archeologist climbing the Great Pyramid. Height is 136 m and width is 230 m. Need manitude and direction of his displacement from bottom to top.
What is 178 m at 49.8 degrees
action reaction pair when batter bats a baseball
What is bat pushes ball, ball pushes bat
what changes in momentum occur when 2 billiard balls of equal mass but moving different speeds collide head on
What is slower ball goes faster, faster ball goes slower and both reverse direction
in scientific notation 674.3 mm equals
What is 6.743 x 10^2 mm
what is the maximum negative displacement a cat could have if it starts its motion at +3 m?
What is -3 m
in the absence of air resistance, what is the path of a projectile
What is an arc?
the direction in which kinetic friction is exerted in relation to the direction of motion
What is opposite to the direction of motion
the kind of collision in which kinetic energy is always conserved
What is elastic collision
how many significant figures does 50.00300 have?
What is 7?
what is the shortest possible time that a bacterium could travel a distance of 8.4 cm across a petri dish at a constant speed of 3.5 mm/s?
What is 24 s?
a duck maintains a constant swimming speed of 0.5 m/s relative to the water which is north. Downstream (easterly) current exists of 0.30 m/s. What is the duck's speed as observed by a bird watcher sitting on the riverbank?
What is 0.58 m/s
2 books are lying next to each other on a table. the force due to gravity on the first book is 9N and on the 2nd book is 13N. The gravitational force on the table is 125N. The floor supports the table with an upward force of 147N. In a free body drawing, how many contact forces and how many field forces would you draw?
What is 3 contact forces, 1 field force
a 55 kg boy running at 2 m/s jumps onto a 2.0 kg skateboard. What is the final velocity of the boy and his skateboard
What is 1.9 m/s
when measuring precisely, what do the digits in the measurement convey
What is the actual measurement plus 1 estimated digit
on a velocity vs time graph, a horizontal slope indicates ________.
What is constant velocity/speed?
scientist who rolled balls in Italy modeled his experiments on which scientist's work
What is Newton?
while sitting in a lounge chair with the back inclined at an angle of 10 degrees from the vertical, you tuck a pillow between your head and the chair. Then you lower the chair back to 40 degrees and doze with the pillow in place. How has the net force on the pillow changed?
What is--net force has not changed. It has not moved.
define momentum using Newton's first law of motion
What is inertia in motion