regular geometric shapes whose particles are arranged in an orderly, repeating pattern.
What are crystals?
For any given liquid, the pressure on the bottom of the container will be ______________if the liquid is deeper.
What is greater?
an instrument used for measuring the pressure of the atmosphere
What is a barometer?
the quantity that tells how hot or cold something is compared with a standard.
What is temperature?
Why can't you trust an atom?
Because they make up everything!
the ratio of the mass (or weight) of a substance to the mass (or weight) of an equal volume of water.
What is specific gravity?
The principle of flotation states that a floating object displaces a weight of fluid _________to its own weight.
What is equal?
the upward force created by the difference between the air pressure above and below the wing
What is lift?
The molecules in H2O when it freezes
What do you call an educated tube?
A graduated cylinder!
a material that does not resume their original shape after being distorted.
What is inelastic
Pressure Formula
This is an ocean of gas
What is our atmosphere?
The difference between a calorie and a Calorie
What is a Calorie = 1,000 calories (we use the Calorie when discussing food)
I can travel at nearly 300,000 kilometers per second but have no mass. I am essential for sight but can also be harmful in excess. What am I?
the distance at which permanent distortion occurs.
What is the elastic limit?
Where is the area with the greatest pressure?
the bottom for all of them
an object surrounded by air is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the air displaced.
What is Archimedes Principle of Air?
the point at which a substance has no kinetic energy to give up
What is absolute zero?
Why did temperature have to go to therapy?
It couldn't handle the heat!
Weight depends on _____________, strength comes from the __________of the cross-section of limbs.
What is volume and area?
the apparent loss of weight of objects when submerged in a liquid
What is buoyancy?
the relationship between the speed of a fluid and the pressure in the fluid
What is Bernoulli's principle?
objects in thermal contact reaching the same temperature
What is Thermal Equilibrium?
What do you call 1 kilogram of falling figs?
1 fig newton