Free fall
Projectile Motion
Work, Power, and Energy
the acceleration on a graph is negative when…
the velocity slope is less than 0
What variable is used for acceleration in every free fall problem?
A pool ball leaves a 0.60-meter high table with an initial horizontal velocity of 2.4 m/s. What is the time required for the pool ball to fall to the ground?
t= .35 seconds
What is inertia?
What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?
Energy cannot be created or destroyed
Trey and ramsey walk eastward with a speed of 0.70m/s. If it takes them 40 minutes to walk to Ramsey's house, whats the distance they walked?
x=1680 meters
Describe an object's velocity at the following points: a) about to be thrown upwards b) in the air going upwards c) at the highest point d) in the air going downwards
a) No velocity b) decreasing velocity c) No velocity d) increasing velocity
During a hunting trip, a bullet is shot into the air with an initial speed of 70.0 m/s and an angle of 75 degrees. What height will the bullet hit the target?
y= 228.6m
A 30 kg bowling ball rolls down the lane from 6 m/s to a stop in 7 seconds. What is the force that is exerted on the bowling ball?
F=25.71 N
If a snowboarder does 1150 joules of work in 22 seconds, how much power does the snowboarder use?
A dog chase a squirrel down the street of 120 meters for 3 minutes. If the dog chased the squirrel at a constant speed, what was his velocity?
Carrie drops her new $200 purse off the top of the Eiffel tower while visiting France. If it takes 9.2 seconds to hit the ground, calculate the velocity in m/s after 4.8 seconds of freefall.
v = -48 m/s
During a hunting trip, a bullet is shot into the air with an initial speed of 70.0 m/s and an angle of 75 degrees. What will the horizontal displacement be at the point when the shell explodes?
x= 123.1 m
Ramsey, who has a mass of 65 kg, pushes Alex, who has a mass of 60 kg, with a force of 70 N (bad idea). Alex has an acceleration of 2 m/s2. Find Ramey’s acceleration and Alex’s force. Who is going to go farther?
F=120 N a= 2 m/s2 Alex will go farther.
How high up is a 4kg bird with 630J of energy?
A car is driving down the street at a speed of 8m/s. how long will it take the car to drive down the street that has distance of 40 meters?
t = 5 sec
A man jumps off a 239.7 m cliff into the water below. Determine the time that it takes for the man to hit the water and then the man’s final velocity just before hitting the water.
t = 6.924 sec v = -69.24 m/s
A projectile is launched with an initial speed of 50.0 m/s and an angle of 30°. It hits the target on the ground 3.0 s later. What are the maximum x and y distances for this projectile?
y= 11.25 m x = 129.9 m
If a box with a mass of 30 kg sits on a ramp with an angle of 40 degrees and µ=.37, will the box be stationary or will it move?
The box is going to move because the force of friction is less than mgx.
A 10kg dog accelerates from 1 m/s to 4 m/s after 4 seconds. Use the work energy theorem to find how far the dog must travel for his speed to reach 4 m/s.
A car drives down the street for 500 meters with an average velocity of 20 m/s. The car comes to a red light and sits for 30 seconds before the light turned green again. It continues driving for 550 more meters at a speed of 23 m/s before it reaches its destination. How long was the total trip?
78.91 seconds = 1.3 minutes
A man standing on ground throws a piece of gum upwards at a velocity of 12.6 m/s. After 1.7 seconds in the air, the gum sticks onto a tree branch above him. After being stuck on the branch for 4.8 seconds, the gum falls back down to the ground. Calculate, a) the height of the tree branch above the man’s head, and b) the total time it took from when the piece of gum was thrown to when it landed on the ground.
a) y = 6.97 m b) t = 7.681 sec
Suppose a large rock is ejected from a mountain with a speed of 25.0 m/s and at an angle 35.0º above the horizontal. The rock strikes the side of the mountain at an altitude 20.0 m lower than its starting point 4.0 seconds after ejection. What is the magnitude of the rock’s velocity at impact?
32.87 m/s
Find the net force and acceleration if an object of 8kg sits on a ramp that has an angle of 30 degrees and µ=.26.
Sum of Fx= 21.99 N a=2.75 m/s2
A 58g tennis ball that drops from an initial height of 2m and reaches a max height of 1.65m. A basketball with a mass of .62kg drops from a height of 7.4m and reaches a max height of 6m. Which has a higher percent efficiency and by how much?
Tennis Ball has more efficiency by 1.4%.