Unit 0
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Random Review

What is the meaning/purpose of Significant Figures?

Significant figures are the number of digits in a value, often a measurement, that contribute to the degree of accuracy of the value.


The mathematical quantities that are used to describe the motion of objects are Scalar & Vector. Differentiate between the two by defining and giving an example of each.

Scalar - a magnitude (or numerical value) alone. (Example: something at rest or moving in no specific direction)

Vectors - both a magnitude and a direction. (Example: something moving in a specific direction)


What are Newton's Laws of Motion? Give an example for each. 

1 - Law of Inertia (at rest stays at rest... motion stays in motion unless acted on by unbalanced force)

2 - Law of Mass & Acceleration (force applied to a mass to determine the acceleration)

3 - Law of Force (every action has an equal and and opposite reaction)


What is Projectile Motion and what is the shape that it creates. 

Projectile Motion is the movement of an object upon which the only force acting is gravity. 

Creates a Parabola.


In this Physics class, we will ALWAYs round to the nearest _________________________ .



What are the 3 rules of Significant Figures?

  1. Non-zero digits are always significant.

  2. Any zeros between two significant digits are significant.

  3. A final zero or trailing zeros in the decimal portion ONLY are significant.


Differentiate between Distance vs. Displacement.

Distance- TOTAL travel, no matter the direction(s).

Displacement – how far in a specific direction an object is from its starting place. The SHORTEST route traveled.


What is the meaning of Hooke's Law?

Hooke’s Law is the extension of a spring force that is proportional to the force used to stretch the spring.


For 1D Projectile Motion, which variable is ALWAYS zero (0) and why?

Viy is always Zero (0) because when an object is projected from a height it is only moving in the x direction initially. 


Describe the rules for rounding a number to the nearest Hundredths place. 

To round a number, look at the next place value to the right. 

  • If it's 4 or less (4, 3, 2, 1, or 0), just remove all the digits to the right. 

  • If it's 5 or greater (5, 6, 7, 8, or 9), add 1 to the digit being rounded and then remove all the digits to the right.


What does "KHDbdcm" stand for? Identify each letters name and place value. 

Kilo - 1000s place, Hecta - 100s place, Decka - 10s place, base unit (g,l,m,etc) - 1s place, deci - 0.1s place, centi - 0.01s place, milli - 0.001s


If a car travels west 450 m in 18 seconds. What is the velocity of the car? (Describe the equation(s) used by identifying the variables & units of measure)

V = 25 m/s

Velocity - meters/second

Displacement - meters

Time - seconds


How much force is needed to accelerate a 1505 kg car 3.6 m/s2? (Describe the equation(s) used by identifying the variables & units of measure)

F = 5418 N

Force - Newtons

Mass - Kilograms

Acceleration - Meters/second2


Acceleration (a) is always zero (0) for projectile motion. Describe why this is true. 

Acceleration in the x-direction is always zero (0) because velocity in the x-direction remains UNCHANGED.


What is the equation used to solve for Displacement (Distance vs Displacement scenerio) when the shape of the diagram creates a triangle?

Pythagorean Theorem: a2 + b2 = c2


Write the following numbers in Scientific Notations:

1. 7,120,089

2. 0.0045100

3. 29,600

4. 0.00038652

1. 7.12 x 106

2. 4.51 x 10-3

3. 2.96 x 104

4. 3.87 x 10-4


While traveling along a highway, Charity speeds up from 7 m/s to 84 m/s in 5.8 seconds. What is the automobile’s acceleration? (Describe the equation(s) used by identifying the variables & units of measure)

a = 13.28 m/s2

Acceleration - meters/second2

Velocity (final & initial) - meters/second

Time - second


If it takes 45 N of force to stretch a spring 68 cm, how much will the spring stretch if 135 N are applied to the same spring? (Describe the equation(s) used by identifying the variables & units of measure)

K = 66.18 N/m; x = 2.04 m

Force - Newtons

Spring Constant (K) - Newtons/Meter

Elongation, Extension, Length (x) - Meters


For 2D Projectile Motion, which variable is ALWAYS zero (0) and why?

"Change in" (Delta) Y is always zero (0) because when an object is projected, it starts and ends at the same height (the leveled ground).


What is the meaning of the steps of the G.U.E.S.S.?

G - Given

U - Unknown

E - Equations

S - Substitute 

S - Solve


What are the common Conversion Factors for the following?

1. Miles -> Meters

2. Hours -> Seconds

3. Grams -> Kilograms

1. 1 mil = 1609 m

2. 1 hr = 3600 sec

3. 1000 g = 1 Kg


A bomb drops from an aircraft that is 156,279 m in the sky. If it neglect air resistance, calculate the velocity of the bomb as it dropped and hits the ground. (Describe the equation(s) used by identifying the variables & units of measure)

t= 178.50 sec

v= 1751.06 m/s


Find the pressure on a scuba diver when she is 3085 meters below the surface of the ocean. Assume standard atmospheric conditions. (Describe the equation(s) used by identifying the variables & units of measure)

P = 31171765.5 Pa

Pressure - Pascals

Rho - 1030 kg.m/s3

Gravity - 9.81 m/s2

Height - Meters


What are the equations for Projectile Motion? (Describe the equation(s) used by identifying the variables & units of measure)

"Change In" Y = Viyt - ½ gt2  

"Change in" X= Vixt + ½ at2

Ymax= (Vi2)(sinθ2)/2(g)



What is the most important tool to have on a quiz or exam in Physics? 

ANNOTATED Reference Sheet!!!
