One-Dementional Motion
Projectile Motion
Other Stuff
An educated guess that has yet to be proven by experiment.
What is an hypothesis?
In the absence of air resistance, objects fall at a constant [blank].
What is acceleration?
At what part of a path does a projectile have minimum speed?
What is at the top of its path?
Friction is a force that always acts in a(n) [blank] direction to an object's motion.
What is opposite?
A type of quantity with magnitude.
What is a scalar quantity?
A synthesis of a large collection of information including well-tested guesses.
What is a theory?
A train travels 10 meters in the first second of travel, 10 meters again during the second second of travel, and 10 meters during the third second of travel. Its acceleration is [blank].
What is 0 m/s^2?
At the instant a ball is thrown horizontally with a large force, an identical ball is dropped from the same height. The ball that hits the ground first is [blank].
What is neither? (They hit the ground at the same time)
The force required to maintain an object at a constant speed in free space is equal to [blank].
What is the zero?
A type of quantity that has a magnitude and direction.
What is a vector quantity?
Newton's Law of Motion that states the acceleration of an object is equal to the force applied to the object divided by the mass of the object.
What is Newton's Second Law of Motion?
A ball is thrown upwards at a velocity of 37 m/s to a height of 95 m and caught when it comes back down. The velocity of the ball as it is caught is [blank].
What is -37 m/s or 37 m/s?
A cannonball is fired at 48 degrees into the air. In the first second it moves 7 meters horizontally. Assuming the ball doesn't hit the ground and air resistance is negligible, how far does it move horizontally in the next second?
What is 7 meters?
If the force acting on a cart is decreased by half, the cart's acceleration would [blank]
What is decrease by half?
The law that states that an object will remain at rest or in motion unless acted on by an outside force.
What is Newton's First Law of Motion or the law of inertia?
Newton's Law of motion that states if you push gently on something, it will push gently on you.
What is Newton's Third Law of Motion?
A ball is thrown directly upward with a velocity of 25 m/s, the maximum height that the ball will travel is [blank]
What is 31.89 m?
In the absence of air resistance, the other angle a thrown ball will go the same distance as one thrown at an angle of 60 degrees is [blank]. The same ball will go the same distance at an angle of 15 and 75 degrees.
What is 30 degrees?
A girl whose weight is 600 N hangs from the missile of a bar supported by two vertical strands of rope. The tension in each strand of rope is [blank].
What is 300 N?
The astronomer that publicly stated in the 1500s that Earth revolves around the sun.
Who is Copernicus?
kgm/s^2 is the unit of the following variable.
What is Force?
An object is dropped out of a 10-story building, the velocity of the object after 4 seconds is exactly [blank]
What is 39.4 m/s^2?
In the absence of air resistance, the angle at which a ball is thrown will travel the farthest is [blank]
What is 45 degrees?
When a wagon is being pulled by a rope along the sidewalk, the forces acting on the wagon are [blank].
What are tension, friction, gravity, and the normal force?
The scientist that found a ball rolling down one inclined plane would roll up nearly to its original height on another incline plane.
Who is Galileo?