This particle plays an essential role in atomic interactions, as well as in powering modern-day conveniences like lights and computers.
What is the electron?
Einstein is best known for developing this theory that comes in "special" and "general" forms and describes the speed of light and gravitation.
What is relativity?
This is the name for a planet that exists outside the Solar System; more than 5,800 have been discovered since 1992.
What is an exoplanet?
This 2023 movie that won the Academy Award for Best Picture tells the story of the physicist who led the Manhattan Project.
What is Oppenheimer?
This leader of Ancien Regime France was known as the "Sun King" and is famous for allegedly saying, "L'etat c'est moi," or "I am the state."
Who is Louis XIV?
This ghostly type of particle has effectively negligible mass and is produced in beta plus decay.
What is the neutrino?
Einstein won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for "discovering the law of" this phenomenon, which helped developed the theory of the wave-particle duality of light.
What is the photoelectric effect?
These celestial bodies are the second densest objects in the universe after black holes and are named after the primary material they are composed of.
What is a neutron star?
This 2014 movie about a group of astronauts travelling through a wormhole to prevent human extinction employed physicist Kip Thorne as a scientific consultant.
What is Interstellar?
This quarterback for the Buffalo Bills recently won MVP and earned a 330 million dollar contract extension.
Who is Josh Allen?
This particle has mass, but no spin or charge, and was famously discovered in 2012 at CERN.
What is the Higgs boson?
In 1905, Einstein wrote four papers of incredible importance, an act so astonishing that those papers are sometimes referred to by this Latin adjective.
What is annus mirabilis?
This is the name of the closest star to the Earth (besides the Sun), existing only 4.25 light years away.
What is Proxima Centauri?
This biographical movie starring Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones is about Stephen Hawking and the relationship between him and his wife.
What is The Theory of Everything?
This composer and pianist is considered to be one of the most influential of the Romantic period and inspired a namesake "mania."
Who is Franz Liszt?
This particle has a charge of +1/3 and helps comprise both neutrons and protons.
What is the up quark?
In 1952, Einstein was offered the position of President of this country, which he declined.
What is Israel?
This galactic group contains the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies, along with more than 80 others.
What is the Local Group?
This book by Andy Weir about a school teacher sent to discover the reasons behind the Sun dimming is being adapted into a movie starring Ryan Gosling.
What is Project Hail Mary?
This country, whose capital is Port Moresby, is home to the most native languages of any country in the world, with more than 800.
What is Papua New Guinea?
This massless particle mediates the strong interaction between quarks.
What is the gluon?
Einstein was first married to this woman, who was a talented physicist in her own right and is sometimes given credit for some of Einstein's theories.
Who is Mileva Marić?
This dwarf planet is the largest of the Kuiper Belt objects and is named for the creator god of the Rapa Nui people.
What is Makemake?
This sequel to 2001: A Space Odyssey was released in 1984 and features the ignition of Jupiter into a new star.
What is 2010: The Year We Make Contact?
This World War I soldier wrote haunting poems like "Dulce et Decorum Est" and "Anthem for Doomed Youth."
Who is Wilfred Owen?