Newton's Laws
Calculate the power rating of a flashlight "life saver" bulb with a circuit of 150V drawned by a current of 20A.
What is 3000 Watts?
If I dropped a marble from a height of 30 meters from the roof. How fast would the marble be going the instant it hits the ground?
What is 24.25 meters per second?
If Mercedes ran 2 miles in 13 minutes what is her velocity?
What is 4.13 m/s?
A 18.4 kg softball is moving at 20 m/s. How much kinetic energy does the softball have.
What is 3680 joules?
A soccer ball kicked with a force of 15.5 Newtons accelerates at 9.5m/s/s to the right. What is the mass of the ball.
What is 1.63 kilograms?
The power used by an electric hair straightener if the resistance of the straightener is 37 ohms and is connected to an outlet of 93 volts.
What is 233.76 Watts?
If I drop a marble from 30 meters, how long would it take to reach the ground.
What is 2.47 seconds?
If Claudia walks south at 3.7m/s and Claudia's best friend Cynthia, that's right best friends, walks east from the same starting point at 5.3m/s, how far apart are they in the square root of 2 hours.
What is 548.467 meters?
How much work is done to a duck that is dragged 50 meters by a force of 150 newtons.
What is 7500 Joules?
A soccer ball kicked with a force of 20 Newtons accelerates at 5.5m/s/s to the right. What is the mass of the ball.
What is 3.64 kilograms?
If the resistance of an electric oven is 1378 ohms, what would be the current running through the oven if it is rated for 476 watts.
What is 1.7 amps?
If I throw a shoe at Jonathan's genitals from a distance of 10 meters at an initial velocity of 0m/s and an acceleration of 5m/s/s, what would be the final velocity right before it hits Jonathan.
What is 10 meters per second?
What was the time it took a 17 kg object to go from rest to 39m/s if a force of 125 Newtons was applied to it.
What is 5.304 seconds?
A young boy is mowing a lawn. He pushes the lawnmower down one side of the lawn, which is 72 meters, with a force of 150 Newtons. How much work does the boy do.
What is 10800 Joules?
If Lizbeth is running at a constant velocity of 80m/s and has a mass of 60 kilograms, what is the net external force acting on her.
What is 0 Newtons?
The electric field strength of a charge of 375 coulombs on a point that is 5 meters away from the charge.
What is 1.34 X 10^11 newtons per coulombs
If you skydive from a height of 40 km, for how long would you be free-falling. (Assume you never deployed your parachute)
What is 90.35 seconds?
A force of 300 Newtons acts on a motion-less 70kg car for 1.5 seconds. What is the velocity after the car experiences this force.
What is 6.43 meters per second?
A bowling ball has a mass of 8 kg rolling off a cliff 100 meters high. What is the gravitational potential energy of the bowling ball.
What is 7840 Joules?
Alma and Annette are studying across from each other at a wide table. Laura slides a 2.2kg book toward Alma. If the net external force acting on the book is 2.5 Newtons to the right, what is the book's acceleration.
What is 1.136 m/s/s?
The electric force between an attraction of 6.7 microcoulombs and 5.2 microcoulombs if they are 3.4 meters apart.
What is 2.7 X 10^-2 Newtons
A softball was dropped from a height of 20 meters with a horizontal velocity of 4 m/s. Find the displacement in the horizontal direction.
What is 8.08 meters horizontally?
If Jonathan is running east at 4πm/s, and Chris Cerna, Jonathan’s best friend, is running west at √π m/s, and their third best friend, Cher-von, pure gansta, ran north at 2π m/s, how far is Jonathan from Chervon, Chervon from Chris, and Chris from Jonathan in terms of velocity.
What is (a) 14.05m/s, (b) 6.53m/s, and (c) 14.34ms?
There are two balls, one green and the other blue. The blue ball has a mass of 8kg and the green ball is half the mass of the blue ball. Each is going at a speed of 5m/s. Which ball has more kinetic energy, the blue or the green ball.
What is the blue ball by 50 Joules?
What force is required to lift the body of a person who is 56 kilograms.
What is 548.8 Newtons?