These are ideas, behaviors, or styles that spread from person to person in a culture and can be influenced by brain structure.
What are Memes?
This lobe is responsible for processing visual information.
What is the occipital lobe?
Neurons with this transmit signals faster than neurons without this.
What is myelination?
This makes it more difficult for the brain cell to fire by hyperpolarizing the neuronal membrane.
What are inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs)?
The presynaptic neuron will do this to conserve and inactivate neurotransmitters.
What is reuptake?
This occurs when we drink or use a drug consistently for a long period of time, resulting in the same amount not getting us as drunk or high as it used to.
What is tolerance?
This type of behavior is displayed by all members of a species.
What are species-typical behavior?
If this part of the brain were damaged, one would have a hard time with problem solving and decision making.
What is the frontal lobe?
Symptoms including headache, vomiting, trouble concentrating, vision loss, and seizures may indicate you may have one of these in your noggin.
What is a brain tumor?
EPSPs depolarize the neuronal membrane, making it more likely the neuron will achieve this.
What is (fire an) action potential.
This ion must enter the terminal button to allow the release of neurotransmitters.
What are Ca2+ ions?
A drug that increases neurotransmission at synapses is referred to as this.
What is an agonist?
The radiator hypothesis posits blood flow does this to the brain.
What is cooling?
The hippocampus and cingulate cortex work together to help with this mental function.
What is memory?
This is formed by a chain of amino acids.
What are proteins?
This ions are responsible for the positive charge outside the cell membrane.
What are sodium Ions?
This lipid transmitter made by the body is the faster-acting, less intense version of THC.
What is Anandamide?
Caffeine replaced this substance in carbonated beverages to still give them an energizing effect.
What is cocaine?
In primates, the brain can be too big to fit into a small skull. To compensate fo the tight quarters, a brain will do this.
What is fold?
The neocortex consists of 6 layers of this, on top of one layer of this.
What are gray matter and white matter, respectively.
The blue print for synthesizing proteins are stored in these.
What are genes?
The loss of myelination around axons cause this.
What are symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis?
L-dopa is a first-line treatment for this.
What is Parkinson's disease?
SSRIs and tricyclic antidepressants treat depression by doing this to serotonin.
What is blocking reuptake?
This is what animals with both a brain and a spinal chord are called.
What are chordates?
A series of neurons interconnected by synapses compose this.
What is a neuronal circuit?
When I look at how environment influences gene expression, I am studying this.
What is Epigenetics?
During an action potential, the voltage of a cell membrane increases to +30mV, drops to -100mV, then returns to this voltage.
What is -70mV?
This hormone in the body is involved with the fight or flight response.
What is epinephrine?
When someone is triggered by people/places/things related to previous drug use, a feeling of wanting/craving is experienced thanks to this neurotransmitter.
What is dopamine?