What is anatomic position?
Person standing erect with face forward, upper limbs hanging to sides, and palms of hands facing forward.
What are your upper limbs?
Your arms and hands.
What are the 3 types of muscle tissue?
Skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.
What is a fracture?
A crack or break in bone.
What percent of body weight is skeletal muscle?
Is your arm superior or inferior to your head?
What is your cervical?
Your neck.
Which muscle type is voluntary?
What kind of fracture is when the bone stays in the skin?
Simple fracture.
What is skeletal muscle also know as?
Striated muscle.
What is a superficial wound?
A wound close to the surface of your body.
Is your occipital your eye or the back of your head?
The back of your head.
Where is smooth muscle tissue located?
Hollow organ walls(except heart), skin, and under eyes.
What kind of fracture is when the bone comes out of the skin?
Compound fracture.
-Epi=?, -Mys=?
upon, muscle
Is your forearm proximal or distal to your shoulder?
What is the correct term for your hip?
What is plasmalemma?
Plasma membrane surrounding smooth muscle.
Which type of fraction is when the ligament of tendon pulls away from it's attachment on bone and bone fragment breaks off with it?
Alvulsion fracture.
What is a fascicle?
A bundle of muscle fiber cells surrounded by perimysium.
What's the difference between medial and lateral?
Medial is towards the middle and lateral is towards the outside of your body.
What 2 terms are used for your hands and feet?
Dorsum and Digital
Which 2 muscle tissues are striated?
Skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle.
What are the 8 types of fractures?
transverse, oblique, spiral, comminuted, alvulsion, impacted, hairline, and greenstick.
What is endomysium?
A thin sheath of fibrous CT, covering, protecting, and securing neuromuscular structures for each MFC.