Conceptually Famous
Measureably Famous
Nobel Pursuits
Notably Notorious
Outstanding Inventions

I mean, you're here. Celebrating it right now...Unless you're here just for the food....(or didn't read your callendars)

What is Pi?


The Unit of Force, named after the Father of Physics. It's on the tip of my tongue.....OW! What hit me? An apple? Nonono...a fig?

What is a Newton?


From his humble beginnings at the post office in Germany, this famous physicist went on to develop for the Manhatten Project but also took a relatively decent photo!

Who is Albert Einstein?


My absolute inspiration for coming up to you all today. Gracing Science classrooms and making science fun. Too bad Jay doesn't rhyme with guy...

Who is Bill Nye?


Alexander Graham Bell....Now why does that name....
*ring ring ring* Oop, sorry, I gotta take this. This invention connects us all...sometimes a bit too much. 

What is the Telephone?


The universe is a vast and nebulous place, and the work of this famous scientist reduced all of it down to an equation with only 5 symbols. 

What is the Theory of Relativity?


This Unit will shock you! Literally, it's how we measure electrical potential...or just what you look for when you shop for batteries at the store. 

What is Volt?


The first woman to win the Nobel Prize for her astounding work in Physics, so much so that she even won it twice! A shame about the radiation poisoning though....

Who is Marie Curie?

For all his work in expanding the fields of Quantum Physics, Theoretical Physics, and our understanding of Black Holes, he can't seem to drop that British Accent. Good thing he's got a slick set of wheels!

Who is Stephen Hawking? 


Illuminating! Radiant! We can thank fellow Jersey Boy, Thomas Edison, for this invention keeping things...lit

What is the Light Bulb?


From Resting, to Crashing, to even a good motto for life. You can thank these Laws for helping us understand how things move around us. 

What are Newton's Laws of Motion?


You're going to definetly be feeling this one folks. It's the way we measure earthquakes. 

What is the Richter Scale?


This German Physicist was instrumental to the field of Quantum Mechanics. Thank goodness Jesse Pinkman wasn't on his bad side....

Who is Werner Heisenberg?


If only this Engineer studied a bit more Patent Law, he would've had the upper hand! Too bad all he does now is sell electric cars....

Who is Nikola Tesla?


This invention surely left quite the impact! In fact, it made quite the boom! So much so that its inventor went on to found the Nobel Prize system!

What is Dynamite?


It's all Greek to me! I can't seem to make sense of all these letters? What did they do to the ABCs?!'s all about making triangles out of squares?

What is the Pythagorean Theorem?


This is the unit for Energy named after the Father of Thermodynamics, having co-developed the Kelvin scale for temperature in England.....

But for you folks trying to quit smoking cigarettes, you might have heard of this name too.

What is a Joule?


Despite all of his famous work on Classical Conditioning in Dogs, this Russian Physiologist got his Nobel Prize for his work on digestion. 

Who is Ivan Pavlov?


Despite all of his work to help us understand the dynamic nature of Quantum Entanglement, all he's remembered for is his cat....

Who is Erwin Schrodinger?


Thanks to this invention, your devices have Plante of charge. This french physicist's creation keeps everything running from the phone in your pocket to the cars on the road

What is a battery?


It's alive! It's alive...I think? This idea from this famous WWII Codebreaker and Father of Modern Computing helps us understand the barrier between man and machine.

What is the Turing Test?


You're defininetly gonna be in pain if you get this one wrong, you heard it coming! I'm only joking, but it is the unit of Frequency

What is Hertz?


We've learned a lot about atoms, but the one everyone knows (with the rings), is actually the work of this Nobel Prize Winner in Physics.

I would get into what it actually looks like, but it's really boring

Who is Niels Bohr?


Space, the final frontier. When you study the stars and movement of galaxies, you'll need a large set of eyes. Good thing this Space Telescope was named after this American Astronomer.

Who is Edwin Hubble?


Milk! You love it in your coffee, your cereal, your cakes, even by itself! It's so delicious! You can thank this heating process created by and named after this French Chemist for all those creamy delights!

What is Pasteurization?
