What are the first 3 digits of Pi?
What is the definition of Pi?
Ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter
Is pi a Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb?
Do you bake or cook pie?
You bake pie.
A circle has a radius of 5 cm. What is the circumference of the circle? ( c = πr2)
What are the first 5 digits of Pi
Where did Pi originate?
Ancient Egypt
What is pi used for?
To calculate the circle
Where did pie originate from?
Ancient Egypt and Greece.
A circle has a radius of 4 cm. What is the circumference of the circle? (c= πr2)
What are the first 8 digits of Pi?
Who discovered Pi?
Who invented pi?
The Egyptians
What is the most used filling for pie?
Fruit and custard
A circle has a radius of 13.5 cm. What is the circumference of the circle? (c= πr2)
What is the 13th digit of Pi?
Where does the symbol of Pi come from? Greek or Egyptian?
Greek language
Who was born on pi day? Lebron James or Albert Einstein?
Albert Einstein
Why is pie not considered a cake?
It's because it typically has a buttery pastry crust as a base.
A circle has a radius of 16.8 cm. What is the circumference of the circle? (c= πr2)
What are the 5-19th digits of Pi?
What number, in order, does the symbol Pi represent in the Greek Alphabet? (Ex. A is the first letter of the Aplhabet)
16th Letter in the Greek Alphabet
What does PI mean in people?
Primary immunodeficiencies
How many pies are eaten every year at Thanksgiving around the world? (in the millions)
50 million pies
A circle has a radius of 123.456 cm. What is the circumference of the circle?(c= πr2