What are the first 5 digits of pi?
Why should you never start talking to pi at a party?
Because it goes on forever
What is the most popular type of pie in North America?
Apple pie
Draw the symbol for pi
What famous mathematician shares a birthday with Pi Day?
Albert Einstein
What is a mathematician’s favorite snake?
Which civilization first invented pie?
How do you find pi?/ What is the equation for pi?
pi = c/d
What are the first 10 digits of Pi
Why did pi fail its driving test?
Because it didn't know when to stop
What is in a mince meat pie?
A mince pie is a sweet pie of English origin filled with mincemeat, being a mixture of fruit, spices and suet/beef.
What is the difference between radius and diameter?
Radius is half the diameter
What language does the pi symbol come from?
It is a greek letter
What do you get when you divide a jack-o-lantern by its diameter?
Pumpkin pi
How many millions of pies are sold on average each year in North America?
700 million
What does circumference mean?
The perimeter of a circle .