The majority of U.S. nonprofits are classified under this tax-exempt status.
What is 501(c)(3)?
This is the most common size of nonprofit organization, with fewer than 10 employees. (Small, Medium, Large)
What is a small non profit?
Nonprofit organizations that rely solely on this fundraising method make up about 20% of the nonprofit sector.
What are donations?
We use this organization to do most of our employee donation matching
What is Fidelity
Isabel is from this state
What is North Carolina?
This is the approximate number of nonprofit organizations currently operating in the United States.
What is 1.5 million?
This sector of nonprofits has seen the largest growth in the past few years.
What is health care and medical research?
This percentage of U.S. adults volunteer for nonprofit organizations annually. (+/- 10%)
What is 25%?
We partner with this organization to furnish one house a year
What is Home For Our Troops?
Isabel's Major is this
What is Psychology?
This is the percentage of nonprofits that have annual revenues of less than $500,000, according to 2023 data. (+/- 10%)
What is 70%?
Between 2020 and 2023, the nonprofit sector grew by this percentage. (+/- 10%)
What is 10%?
This generation contributes the highest percentage of volunteer hours in the U.S. each year.
Who are Baby Boomers?
Employees can use this type of day to volunteer at polls
What is a paid day of service?
Isabel's favorite food is this
What is mac and cheese?
Nonprofit organizations in this sector make up the largest share of charitable giving in the U.S.
What are religious organizations?
Nonprofits focused on this cause typically receive a large portion of funding from corporations and foundations.
What is education?
The total estimated amount of charitable giving in the U.S. each year, with billions of dollars supporting nonprofits. (+/- 50 billion)
What is $500 billion?
The number of individuals housed by Community Solutions' Built for Zero initiative (+/- 10k people)
What is over 192,000 people
This person is Isabel's favorite singer
Who is Taylor Swift?
This is the combined revenue of U.S. nonprofit organizations in 2023, which is more than the GDP of many countries. (+/- 0.5 trillion) (Hint: It is more than 1 trillion)
What is $2.6 trillion?
This state has the highest number of nonprofit organizations per capita.
What is Vermont?
This amount is the average donation per person in the U.S. each year, helping sustain nonprofit activities.
What is $300?
We have matched this amount so far for the Boston Marathon
What is $12,320
Isabel's minor is this (closest guess if you don't remember)
What is Managing Human Capital? (but they changed the name so MINE is technically Leadership and Human capital)