This note gets one beat.
What is a quarter note?
This word means you play loud.
What is forte?
This symbol means played with the left hand
What is a bass clef?
To have great "this" means to sit up straight
What is posture?
This major scale has no sharps or flats (all white keys)
What is C major?
This note gets four beats.
What is a whole note?
This word means you play soft.
What is piano?
This has five lines and four spaces
What is a staff?
Numbers on sheet music help you get the right position of "these" that are a part of your hands
What is finger position?
This scale only has one sharp (it's F sharp)
What is G Major?
This note gets three beats.
What is a dotted half note?
This sign means you place emphasis, stress, or stronger attack placed on a particular note or set of notes, or chord
What is accent?
This separates different measures
What is a bar line?
Ms. Hubbard has referred to "this" bug that helps with finger positions.
What are spider fingers?
What is D Major?
This kind of rest gets two beats of silence.
What is a half rest?
When you see this sign you gradually get louder.
What is crescendo?
These lines go above or below a given staff
What are ledger lines?
To play this is to play a chord that is broken apart with 1, 3, 5, 1, fingers
What is an arpeggio?
This scale has one flat (B flat)
What is F major?
This rest gets half a beat of silence.
What is an eighth rest?
This means to play medium soft.
What is mezzo piano?
This symbol means that an extra half of the note's value gets added to the total beats
What is a dot?
To play this note is to play it quickly (like popcorn popping)
What is stacatto?
This scale has 4 sharps (F#, G#, C#, D#)
What is E major?