What is this symbol called?
Treble Clef
Broken or Blocked?
Are the finger numbers on both hands exactly the same or different?
Perform any song in our folder.
(at least 2 people from your group)
Which is the C (1) note?
What is this symbol called?
Bass Clef
Broken or Blocked?
Say and show the finger numbers for each hand.
Perform I Can Fly.
(at least 2 people from your group)
Which is the G (5) note?
What are the space notes for the treble clef?
How do we know the notes are blocked (played together)?
They are stacked on one another.
How do we know which part of our music is played with the right hand or left hand?
The right hand is usually on top of the connected staves with a treble clef. The left hand is usually on bottom of the connected staves with a bass clef.
Perform the three left hand chords we have been practicing.
(at least 2 people from your group)
Which is the F (4) note?
What are the line notes for the treble clef?
How do we know the notes are broken (played one at a time)?
The notes are not stacked on one another, they are played one at a time.
Yes. The left hand tends to move out of the regular position.
Perform Blue Sky.
(at least 2 people from your group)
Which is the E-flat (b) note? We play this with finger 3 in our right hand.
What are the bass clef notes? (Either line or space notes gets credit. 100 extra points if you get both right).
Line Notes: GBDFA
Space Notes: ACEG
What is one piece of music that we have learned that has both broken and blocked chords?
1. Peace
2. Wish
3. Blue Dolphin
How do we know when to use a black key?
We see the flat symbol.
Perform as much of Blue Dolphin as you can.
(at least 2 people from your group)
Which is the A-flat (b) note that we normally play with our left hand thumb?