The bottom line of the treble clef is this note
What is E?
The bottom line of the bass clef is this note
What is G?
This type of note receives one beat
What is a quarter note
This type of symbol tells you what volume to play at
What are dynamics?
This note is located on the middle of the grand staff as well as your keyboard
What is middle C?
The top line of the treble clef is this note
What is F?
The top line of the bass clef is this note
What is A?
This type of note receives two beats
What is a half note?
This symbol connects two same notes and are held as if they are one note
What is a tie?
This interval is the smallest on your keyboard and on the staff it goes from 1st line to 1st space to 2nd line to 2nd space and so on.
What is a 2nd?
The middle line of the treble clef is this note
What is B?
The middle line of the bass clef is this note
What is D
This type of note receives 4 beats
What is a whole note
This sign tells you to play a line or section of a song again, it is shown by two dots.
What is a repeat sign?
Also known as a skip, this interval makes up chords, hint the C Major chord
What is a 3rd?
The 2nd line from the bottom on the treble clef is this note
What is G
The second from the bottom line of the bass clef is this note
What is B?
This type of note receives three beats
What is a dotted half note?
This sign tells you to play the notes higher or lower on the keyboard than they are written on the staff
What is an octave sign? 8va
This symbol tells you how many beats are in the measure and what type of note gets the beat. Often shown as a fraction
What is a time signature?
The fourth line from the bottom of the treble clef is this note
What is D?
The fourth line from the bottom of the bass clef is this note
What is F?
These types of durations use the same length as notes, except they are silent
What are rests?
This sign tells you to go back to the beginning of the song and play to the end sign
DC al fine
This part of the music assists the melody by creating a fuller and richer sound
What is harmony?