This actor is alright alright alright
Matthew Mcwhatever
This short french guy offered 12,000 francs to anyone who could come up with the best way to pickle and preserve food for his troops.
Napoleon Bonaparte
How many pickles is a Krabby Patty supposed to have?
This lady is a singer and has a cooking show on HBO
Selena Gomez
This explorer rationed pickles for his sailors to help prevent Scurvy
Christopher Comlumbus
This famous pickle character runs around with his friends in a diaper
Tommy Pickles
This Roman guy has a salad named after him
Julius Caesar
This queen of Egypt credited her beauty and health to her love of pickles.
This little doctor loves her pickles
Doc McStuffins
This is a lady’s bday is in Nov. and her last name rhymes with pimmons
This Roman general would feed his troops pickles to make them strong
Julius Caesar
This pickle is from Rick and Morty
Pickle Rick
The woman was on Jersey Shores
This group of people were the first to start eating pickles in 2400 bc